"The name's Kali" 2

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hey guys did you see my new cover??? its so good ahhh @barbneedsjustice

also i started reading 'it' and wow its really not appropriate


Axel and Dotty walked in, their arms full of take-out boxes.

"We've got the goods!" She giggled, dropping her load on the makeshift table that really was just a plank on a barrel. Axel put his few boxes down on the plank too.

"Jeez you all order so much!" He complained and sat on a wooden crate. Everyone scrambled for the food, then got comfortable. Dotty sat at Axel's feet, playing with his shoelaces like a cat while eating her food. Kali sat on a chair, not eating but on the look out. Mick was sitting on a ladder, playing solitaire. Funshine was eating happily. El and Mike were sitting on a couch, sharing a box of food.

"Thanks for dinner Axel. How much do I owe yah? I've got a little in my wal-" Mike started, only to get cut off by Axel laughing.

"You think I paid for this shit?! That's funny." He laughed, and Mike frowned along with El.

"You stole it?" Mike asked in disbelief. Axel nodded and pointed to El.

"Your girlfriend didn't seem to have a problem with it last time we saw her. She robbed a gas station and just about gave the clerk a heart attack!" Axel laughed again, as did the rest of the group. Mike frowned.

"She did?" Mike whispered. "You did?" El didn't face him.

"Yeah, she did! She almost killed a guy to-" Axel said, only to be cut of by Kali.

"Axel, enough." Kali tried to spare Mike the details, but Mike was already on the move. He stormed past the group, then up the stairs to the roof, slamming the door behind himself. Both El and Kali glared at Axel.

"Fuck you." El spat, losing her cool. "He didn't need to know! And now, he thinks I almost killed two innocent men, WHICH I DID NOT!" El screamed, using her badass powers to make Axel's food container explode. She ran up the stairs and onto the roof to find Mike. 

Mike had his back against a chimney or something and his legs straight out in front of him. His arms wrapped around himself as he stared at the city skyline.

"Mike," El whispered, sitting down next to him. Mike flinched away. El's eyes filled with tears, already some trying to spill onto her rosy red cheeks. "I didn't kill anyone Mike. The guy...the clerk...I was trying to be someone I'm not. I'm not like Kali and Dotty and Mick, I'm too...pink. But they wanted to hurt the bad men, and the guy, not the clerk, was a bad man Mikey. I didn't kill him, even though Kali said I should've. But he had kids, and I just kept thinking 'would I want my momma to be killed while I'm in the next room?' No. Please Mike, I didn't hurt anyone while I was here. P-" Tears spilled out of El's eyes and onto her cheeks. Mike's thumbs wiped them away, and he nodded.

"I believe you bubba. You're too pink." He laughed and kissed her head. El hugged him tightly. Mike hugged her back and saw the goosebumps on her arms, so he took off his jacket and put it around her. El smiled into his neck and slowly pulled away from the hug. Mike wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pointed at the skyline. 

"Look at that building, aren't the lights pretty?" He asked, and nodded, but not before letting out a quiet yawn. He chuckled. "Ready to go back to the hotel room?"

"Mhmm..." She said sleepily as her head drooped against his shoulder. Mike chuckled and picked her up bridal style as he carried her back to the main room. Funshine raised his eyebrows at El's sleeping form in Mike's arms.

"Prince Charming, aye?" He laughed. Mike smiled and shrugged.

"We'd better get going, my princess needs her beauty sleep." He yawned. "Me too." Kali approached the pair.

"I'll walk you to where it's nice again. Can't fight off junkies with a sleeping girl in your arms." She joked. Mike nodded and walked through the shady side streets with Kali, until they got back into the nice part of the city, right around their hotel.

"Thank you Kali. Really. For keeping her safe back then, and being like a mentor for my girl." He said shyly. Kali smiled and shrugged.

"She is my little sister, and so you better treat her good or I will find you." She smiled. Mike nodded and set El down, supporting most of her weight.

"El, bubba, wake up. It'll look weird if I carry you in." He shook his tired girlfriend from her sleep. "Plus, you gotta say goodbye." He motioned to Kali. El rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Bye Kali..." She yawned and held onto Mike. He chuckled and walked her inside the hotel. Once they were inside, Mike turned around to wave goodbye, but she was already gone.


i thought that was ok

everyone watch me, myself, & i  it stars jack grazer and he honestly slays me

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