"You guys a thing yet?"

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Eleven and Nancy were sitting in the elder Wheeler's room, cards in hand as they chatted with one another. It was the late fall, so the girls had a blanket tossed over their legs to keep them warm.

"So," Nancy smiled as she picked up a card and studied it. "What's going on with you and Mike? You guys a thing yet?" She placed the card down with her other matches.

"A thing?" El repeated, picking up a card too. " We are not dating if that is what you meant." A frown was evident on the younger girl's face as she scrunched up her nose before looking back down at her cards. 

"Have any eights?" The other girl inquired. El shook her head, the mess of curls shaking along with it.

"Go fish." She sighed, placing her cards down. Nancy noticed the despair that was written on her friend's face and wrapped an arm around the other girl.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The older girl asked, rubbing the sad girl's arm affectionately. 

"I think that Mike thinks that I don't know what dating is." She sighed, resting her head on Nancy's shoulder.

"Oh honey, it's okay. Mike is just a stupid boy who just wants to protect you. He'll get around to asking you soon, I know it kills him to not be able to call you his girlfriend." The older girl kissed Eleven's head and stood up. "Now come on, let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

The girls made their way to the kitchen, Eleven sitting at the counter and Nancy putting the Eggos in the toaster. Nance hummed as she foraged around the kitchen to find maple syrup as Mike jumped down the stairs. He saw El sitting at the counter, and his smile instantly became brighter.

"Ellie!" He cheered, running over to her and encasing her in a hug.

"Mikey!" She laughed as she was consumed in his bone-crushing hug.

"It's great that I saw you, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the fall carnival?" The impatient boy asked.

"The...what?" El responded, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. She had never heard of a carnival before, and why was Mike bringing her there?

Little did Mike and El notice Nancy was watching the whole thing and screaming in her head. (me)

"The fall carnival! The town puts it together once a year, and you can do really fun stuff there like pick a pumpkin and go on rides!" Mike told her, his excitement for the fair evident on his face. El smiled and put her hand on Mike's cheek. She was happy that he was happy.

"That is good. I will tell Hopper." El placed a kiss on Mike's cheek before hopping off the barstool at the counter. "I will get ready with Nance. Bye Mikey." The short girl walked over to the toaster, grabbed a plate, and used her powers to pull the waffle up before she climbed up stairs.

"I'll pick you up at six!" Mike shouted after Eleven as Nancy hurriedly climbed the stairs. Mike shook his head playfully at both girls and left the house, riding his bike off to Will's.

Eleven entered the room with Nancy in tow, and the older girl shut the door.

"HE JUST ASKED YOU ON A DATE!" Nancy screamed happily, shaking the other girl's shoulders.

"He...did?" El replied, though doubt was evident in her voice. Nancy glanced at the clock on her bedside table.

"It's five fifteen, so call Hopper then get your ass back here so I can get you ready for your date." The older girl smiled as the younger girl scurried downstairs to call her dad. "God they're adorable." She whispered herself.

sorry this is so short, it's gonna be two parts long 

and no, i'm not dead. just unmotivated 

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