"Take it back!"

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hi people! i have decided that this book will come to a close once i hit 60 parts so 3 left including this one! 


Mike was pacing the Byer's living room, mumbling stuff under his breath. His Eleven, who he was away from for 353 days, had to leave again, and maybe was dead. Everyone was watching Mike with concern eyes.

"Mike, no offense, but I don't see what you like in her. She's kinda a bitch." Max scoffed and crossed her arms, leaning back. Dustin and Lucas shot up and grabbed Mike, who was struggling to get to Max.

"TAKE IT BACK!" He screamed, trying to get Dustin and Lucas off him. "TAKE IT BACK YOU BITCH! SHE MIGHT BE DYING SO EVERYONE ELSE CAN LIVE! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL!" He sobbed. Steve went over to the distraught boy and slung an arm over his shoulders.

"Let's go for a walk, yeah? I'll bring my bat and maybe you can let your anger out on a tree." He told the still weeping boy. The crying boy nodded weakly, and Steve grabbed his bat, leading the boy down the dirt road. Steve examined the trees, and found a big oak tree. "This looks like a good one." He handed the bat over to Mike, who took it, gripping it tightly. Steve took a step back, wary of the crazed look Mike had in his eyes.

Mike swung at the tree and hit it with a sickening crack. He hit it over and over again, still crying. "THIS IS FOR NOT LETTING ME SIT HER!" He screamed, swinging again. "THIS IS FOR LETTING HER RUN OFF!" He hit the tree again. "AND THIS IS FOR KEEPING MY EL COOPED UP!" Mike hit the tree one last time, before collapsing on the ground sobbing. Steve crouched down next to Mike.

"If you don't mind me asking...are you in love with her?" Steve asked. Mike looked at his hands. 

"If love is that warm thing in my chest...I think I am. But I don't know if she even knows what love is, Steve." Mike told his friend. Steve nodded and put a hand on Mike's shoulder.

"I think she does Mike. All of us were there, but yet, she tackled only you in a hug. Hopper was even there, but she ignored him! Mike, she loves you a lot." Mike nodded at Steve's comment and wiped his eyes.

"I'm ready to go back." 

"Okay. Let me hold my bat." Steve took the bat out of Mike's hand and put it over his shoulder. The pair began walking back to the Byer's house in silence. Hopper's truck was in the driveway, and El was sitting on the porch biting her nails. Mike didn't see her at first, but Steve did. "I think I dropped my keys back at the tree. I'll go get them." Steve turned around and ran back to the tree. El saw Mike walking up the driveway, looking sad.

"Mike!" El shouted happily and ran into his arms. Mike was in shock for a second, but he happily hugged her back after realizing who she was.

"El." He breathed, wrapping his arms around her torso tightly. El began to cry into Mike, and he rubbed her back. "It's okay El. You're safe." El just cried harder into Mike.

"I-I love you M-M-Mike." She told Mike, still clinging to him. Mike looked down at her with wide eyes.

"How do you know that word?" 

"I-I-I watch soaps, a-a-and they sa-say that a lot. I-I-I-I asked Hop, a-a-a-and he told me what it means... and that means I love you Mike." She leaned her head on Mike's chest. Mike put his hand on the small of her back.

"I love you too." He kissed her forehead, which made El blush.


i read a spoiler for 'it' and i actually want to bang my head against a wall

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