"Can you help?" 2

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i just finished 'it' and i didnt die! finn was so funny my dad kept laughing

'go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!'



Mike's P.O.V.

I had called the boys (and Max) a little earlier. I told them to come over to me and El's apartment. El was laying on top of me watching tv, when the doorbell rang. I covered my fiancees ears.

"It's open!" I shouted and uncovered her ears.

"I know." Dustin opened the door. "I just wanted to make sure you guys were decent." Dustin said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes and El tried to get off. I helped her off me and she gave Dustin a hug.

"Can I tell Dustin?" She asked.

"Not yet love." I smiled at her excitement. Will walked in. 

"Will!" El shouted and ran over to him. "I missed you!"

"I know, I missed you too El." Will ruffled her hair. Max and Lucas finally arrived.

"El!" Max shouted and embraced her best friend. Lucas smiled and said hello to everyone.

"Everyone," I cleared my throat. "El and I have big news. El you wanna-" El jumped up and down.

"We're getting married and I'm gonna have a baby!" She cheered. Everyone was silent for a tick, then it was chaos.

"What?!" Will and Dustin screamed and Max tackled El in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you!" Max giggled. El hugged Max tightly.

"When did you pop the question?" Lucas asked me. He and Max had been married since they were 19.

"Yesterday in the kitchen. She told me she was pregnant right after." I couldn't contain my excitement and a wide smile spread on my face. Will was pacing.

"She's too young dude!" Will yelled at me, and Dustin tried to comfort him.

"We knew they were gonna get married since the beginning Will. You're just in shock." Dustin patted Will's shoulder. I turned around to see El smiling at me.

"Hey," She breathed and I kissed her gently. She grabbed my face and kissed a little deeper. I pulled away.

"Later lovey. Not now." Max was talking to Lucas, about me and El I'm guessing. "You guys are the first to know. I haven't even told Hopper-" I said and Will's jaw dropped.

"Mike, you are sooooooooooooooo dead. I'll start on the headstone." Will hugged El one last time. "I gotta go. Tell Hopper soon please. He'll make the death much quicker." Will walked out the door. Max and Lucas joined hands.

"We gotta go too. Lucy (Lumax's kid ;)) needs to be picked up from daycare. Good job finally growing a pair Mike. El's been waiting for years." Max giggled and pulled Lucas out the door.

"Bye guys!" Lucas said before being pulled away. It was only us and Dustin.

"I gotta go too, I've got a date." He wiggled his eyebrows before waving goodbye. Dustin shut the front door as he left. My little fiancee faced me.

"You've gotta tell Hopper and Joyce. Now. I have to watch Barbie (Jancy's kid ;)) at their house, and since it's Sunday Hop and Joyce will be there. Now come on, he'll make the death quicker if you say it sooner." El smiled.

"Oh fuck I'm so dead."


im doing a part 3 ;)))))

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