"Sucking faces" 2

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hola peeps, after watching season 2 again i am now realizing how FUCKING MUCH i love mileven <3 i mean i did before, i just love them. a lot. ALSO EVERYONE SAY HI CONNOR bc hes making FUN OF ME 

song: dont have one


Eleven's P.O.V.

Max dragged me to where the boys were standing. I saw the M&M's behind the case, and I ate them before! 

"Mikemikemikemikemikemikemikemikemikemikemike!" I whined as I tugged on his sleeve. "M&M's! I like those!" Mike looked down at me and laughed.

"Two boxes of M&M's please." He told the lady behind the counter and I clung to his arm. The lady gave me the box and I opened it. "No no El. You have to wait okay?" He held my hand and I nodded. No food before we sit down. Now I have another rule I need to remember. I groaned and walked with Mike. The boys and Max followed behind us. Mike picked our seats, which were in the middle. Max and Lucas sat a few down, and Will and Dustin sat behind the two couples.

'Stand By Me' started and I snuggled up with Mike. He wrapped his arms around me. I giggled and put my head on his chest. He played with my hair. I liked it a lot. Mike leaned down and kissed my lips. I liked that too. I kissed him back. I felt things hit my head.

Mike's P.O.V.

Popcorn hit the back of my head while I kissed Eleven. She jumped and pulled away, hiding in my sweater. I looked at Dustin, who was stuffing his face with popcorn while laughing.

"Need I remind you Dustin, that I am the one who actually can get a girl, much less a badass one? So go fuck yourself asshole." I growled as Will 'ooohed'. I turned around and comforted El. "Hey it's okay. Let's watch the movie." She nodded and sat up, still putting all her bodyweight on me. I didn't mind. I liked her leaning on me.

Eleven's P.O.V. 

This movie was boring. I looked over at Max, and she was fast asleep on Lucas. Lucas was paying attention. So were Will and Dustin. Mike was not really watching. More like making sure I wasn't freaking out if it got scary. I liked him doing that. I felt cared for. I drifted off to sleep, Mike protecting me from the nightmares.


Mike's P.O.V. 

She fell asleep in my arms. Even in the darkness of the movie theater, she looked like an angel. I stroked her cheek.

"Dude!" Will smacked the back of my head. "Don't stare at my sister like that! That's creepy!" I rolled my eyes at his comment and the movie ended a few minutes later. I didn't want to wake her up, seeing is that Max yelled at Lucas for waking her up. I chuckled and returned my gaze to my girlfriend.

"Eleven," I whispered, shaking her gently. "Love, it's time to go home. We can eat Eggos-" El sat up quickly after hearing Eggos. 

"Eggos? At your house?" She asked, and I nodded. She stood up quickly. "Come on!" She giggled and pulled me out of the theater.

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