"Me too"

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oh im watching the build interview and im laughing so hard



Mike's P.O.V.

I hadn't talked to Eleven since the Snowball. Chief Hopper called me 'a threat to Eleven's safety' and kept her out of my life for the past three years. I've seen her around, and I've wanted to run up to her and wrap her in my arms. But Hopper told me he will kill me if I do, so I kept my head down and avoiding her. 

My life had been living hell without Eleven. I stayed in my room the majority of the time, looking through the toys that I showed her. I cried myself to sleep every night, clinging to the memories we shared.

Prom was this weekend, and I was going with Will, Lucas, Max, and Dustin since my mother forced me to get out of the house. I was getting ready in my room, trying to make my eyes not red and puffy. I fixed my tie and walked downstairs. My mom took a picture of me without warning.

"Mom!" I complained. She laughed.

"Oh Mikey you look so good dressed up!" She sighed and walked to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and walked down to the basement. I glanced at Eleven's fort and sighed. I laid on the couch and waited for my friends to come.

After a while the doorbell dinged and I got up and answered it. The boys and Max were standing at the door bickering.

"He can't just mope in his room! He needs to get out..." Lucas' voice trailed off as he noticed Mike standing there. "Hey Mike..." Max slapped the back of Lucas' head.

"Idiot!" Max yelled.

"It's fine, you guys are right. That's why I'm going tonight. Need to get out of my room." I sighed. Everyone nodded and started walking to Lucas' mom's car. We all squeezed into the car and everyone else began talking while I stared out the window.

Lucas' mom pulled up to the high school and all of us got out and walked to the gym. I stayed behind the group as they talked and laughed on their way to the gym. Hopper's truck pulled up next to Lucas' mom and I quickly joined my friends, not wanting Hopper to see me. We sat down at a table and took our suit jackets off and Lucas took Max to the dance floor. Will and Dustin went to see if any girls would dance with them.

The doors slammed open and time seemed to stop as I looked at Eleven shyly walked into the gym, her still short hair tied back in a tiny braid. After three years she still took my breath away. Suddenly, we made eye contact and both of us blushed. Why was she here? She started to walk towards me and I froze.

"Mike." She breathed and I stood up. We walked closer to each other and suddenly she crashed her lips on mine. I stood in shock for a second then kissed back. I pulled away and hugged her tightly. 

"Dance with me El." I whispered and took her hand. We started to dance slowly. "I think I love you El." I whispered in her ear. She hugged me tighter. 

"Me too."

Eleven's P.O.V.

I've missed him.



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