"Eleven Jane Wheeler"

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guys im legit so happy its been not even a week and i have like 260 reads i cant thank you enough ugh and the song above is : This is The Gospel by Panic! at The Disco (ma faves)



[Ages 15+16] 

"Eleven!" Mike screamed, struggling against the guards holding him back. "El!" He sobbed, his hair falling in his face. Brenner pressed the gun against her temple.

"Make a decision Eleven. The boy, or you." Brenner said, smirking. "Make your choice, monster." Eleven whimpered.

"Me! Shoot me and let her go!" Mike screamed. Eleven looked at him with big eyes. 

"You showed me what love was Mike. You told me when you're in love, you're willing to give up your life for the other person..." El sobbed.

"Shoot me!" Mike sobbed again. "She deserves to live!"

"Mike," Eleven said through her tears. "If you love me, let me go."

"Eleven Jane Wheeler stop! Kill me Brenner! Don't kill her! I love you!" He screamed.

"I love you Mike." Eleven said as she closed her eyes. "Me. Shoot me." Brenner squeezed the trigger and the gunshot wrung off the walls. All Mike could see was her dead body and blood.

Brenner had killed his Eleven.


heh and i know it's short im crying rn so 


rant in the comments heh

hi joshie

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