"I wanna hang out with Mike"

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https://vine.co/u/919509891947835392 go to it cause wolfy134 is the best 



El flopped around in her fort. It had been a long day, as she had to go to school, then speech therapy. And on top of that, she had homework, which she sucked at so Mike had to help her. Even with all that stuff, she could not fall asleep in the place she felt most safe; the place that she had called home almost two years ago.

She grabbed her Yoda and held him close. 

"Mister Yoda, what should I do? Should I try to sleep or should I go get Mike?" She talked to her stuffed Yoda. "Yep I wanna hang with Mike." She grabbed a pillow, a blanket, and her Yoda before stumbling up to the hallway that connected to Mike's room. She knocked on Mike's door. "Mike?" Eleven asked. "Mike?" She said a little louder. Mike opened his door, his hair a mess.

"Wha-oh hey El. What's up?" Mike yawned. 

"Mike I can't sleep..." El blushed and looked down.

"Come in, just don't tell my mom." He walked back to bed as El followed. "Put your pillow next to mine." Mike instructed and laid down. El raised her eyebrow.

"Karen said no sleep-" El started before pulling Eleven down.

"Don't care." Mike smiled and yawned. El put her head on his chest. "Can I play with your hair?" Mike asked. 

"Y-yeah..." Eleven blushed. Mike played with her hair gently.

"Why can't you sleep El?" Mike asked, running his fingers through his curls.

"I-I did sleep, for a bit...but I saw Papa..." El bit her lip.

"You know you're safe now love. I won't let anything hurt you." Mike whispered to his girlfriend.

"Thanks Mike..." El smiled and closed her eyes.

"I love you El. Sleep tight baby."  Mike smiled and closed his eyes. El snuggled closer to Mike as she dozed off, clutching Mike and Yoda close.


Mike's alarm went off at 6:30 and El sat up quickly. 

"What-Mike the clock's screaming!" El shook her boyfriend. Mike opened his eyes.

"The alarm...oh it mean it's time to get up." Mike rolled over his girlfriend and hit the 'snooze' button.

"I don't like that sound." El groaned and put her head in her hands.

"No one does love. Eggos are downstairs." He pointed to the door and El took off, Eggos on her mind.


its currently 10:23 on a school night, i have just watched some scenes from it, and i predict i will not fall asleep until 1

also if anyone cares im writing an emotional speech that mike gives


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