"Mike make it stop!"

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hi! this chapter has mentions of 'girl stuff' so if you cant handle bai bish grow up



3rd Person P.O.V.

Eleven was sleeping in my fort at the Wheeler's house. She wasn't allowed to sleep in Mike's room anymore, since Mrs. Wheeler had told the young couple that 'that they were getting too old'. El was lucky to still be able to stay at Mike's some nights. She liked her fort. 

El suddenly sat up, clutching her stomach. She let out a blood curling screamed and laid back down. Mike and Nancy ran down the stairs, Mike pushing past his sister to get to Eleven.

Mike's P.O.V.

I shoved past my sister to get to El. I ran over to my girlfriend and hugged her tightly. She calmed down a little. I noticed blood on my sleeping bag and the spare blankets. I began to freak out. What if someone hurt her?!

"El?! Are you hurt?!" I asked, checking her over.

"My stomach!" She screamed, pulling me closer. "Mike make it stop!" My heart broke and I looked at my sister, who had wide eyes.

Nancy's P.O.V. (wow author nice going breaking out of the mold)

Shit. Shit. Shit. Blood on the sleeping bag and nightgown, stomach in actual hell? How could this happen to innocent El? I knelt down next to the couple.

"Mike, you're gonna have to leave." I said slowly, not wanting to piss him off.

"What?!" He raged. "She's dying!" El's eyes enlarged. 

"I'm dying?!" She choked back tears.

"This is the reason you need to leave! She's not dying you retard she's just gotten her first period!" I smacked the back of his head. His mouth formed an 'o'.

"O-Oh...El I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to scare you." Mike whispered to his girlfriend and kissed her head. El just looked at him.

"So I'm not dying?" She asked.

"No no honey. You're not. Mike just got scared. And now Mike will go change his sweatpants because he has blood on them. Right Mike?" I said the last part through my teeth. Mike nodded and ran up the stairs. El looked at me, still confused.

"Why does my stomach hurt? Why is there blood everywhere?" El questioned me.

"It's called a period. It's your body's way telling you you're healthy and in the future not now or I swear to- I'm getting off track- you can have kids and be a momma." I explained. 

"Be a momma...sex equals kids..." El tapped her chin. 

"Go to the bathroom and wait there. I have to grab supplies." I ran up the stairs and bumped into Mike, who was leaning on the basement door. "Jeez!" I yelped. "Why are you standing there?" I questioned. 

"I want to make sure she's alright. Why are you leaving her?" Mike questioned me.

"Because I'm getting her fucking pads! I've had this for five years now Mike! I know what I'm doing!" I brushed past him and grabbed sanitary stuff from my room before walking back to the basement. El was sitting on the bathroom floor staring off into space. "Hey El. I've got some stuff. I'll show you how to use them."

(author is just now realizing how bad an idea this was) 


Eleven's P.O.V.

I hate being a girl. After Nancy was done with that I walked upstairs and tackled my boyfriend in a hug, hiding my face in his shoulder. He knew that I was bleeding and that I can have kids! What if he hates me now?! I began crying into his shoulder.

"Hey hey love. It's okay. I won't treat you any differently, okay?" He hugged me tightly.

"Promise?" I sniffled.

"I promise."

________________________________________________________________________________shit i actually hate this

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