"Can you help?" 4

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hello im moving my bedroom from the second floor to the third so



[Age:23+24] continuing "Can you help?" ;) final part!

It was six months after El and Mikle had gotten married. They didn't want a long engagement because the baby, so they got hitched three months after. El was now nine months pregnant. 


Will was over with Eleven while Mike was at work. He started a new lab, this one with the intention of closing all possible gates to the Upside Down. They made sure that they were nothing like Brenner and his team. Eleven was in charge of that. She didn't want anymore kids to be taken.

"El," Will called. "What do you want to eat?" El tapped her chin. She opened her mouth, but Will cut her off. "Mike told you no more Eggos."

"But Will! I'm craving Eggos!" She whined and looked down at her big stomach. "You don't want an angry pregnant lady with powers to come after you, do you?" She asked. Will looked at her through the door.

"Bitch." He muttered and put two Eggos in the toaster. 

"Thank you Will! If it's a boy I'll name him after you!" El giggled. She and Mike had agreed that if it was a boy, she could pick the name, and if it was a girl, he could pick. 

"You better keep your end of the promise because Mike is gonna kick my ass for making you these." Will sighed and gave her the plate of Eggos. He sat down on the couch next to her and watched the tv. El munched on the Eggos. She suddenly dropped the plate, the second Eggo flying to the ground with it. "El? What's wrong?" Will started panicking.

"Baby..." El gasped and grabbed her stomach.

"FUCKING SHIT! YOU JUST HAVE TO GIVE BIRTH WHEN THE GAY GUYS HERE AND HATES THE FEMALE ANATOMY!!" Will cussed and ran to the phone to call Mike. El breathed in and out slowly, her eyes closed. Something trickled down her leg. Will looked over as Mike answered.

"Mike Wheeler he-" He started.

"MIKE ITS WILL EL IS GOING INTO LABOR AND IM GAY AND KNOW NOTHING MEET ME AT THE HOSPITAL!" He shouted into the phone and hung up. El looked at Will.

"Help me! I can't walk with a baby kicking its way out of me!" El demanded. Will helped her stand and guided her to his car. He sat her in the back seat.

"I swear to god, don't fucking give birth on my seats." He muttered and drove crazily to the hospital. Mike was already standing there, pulling on his curly hair. He saw Will's car pull up and ran to meet it. He opened the car door for El and helped her out.

"Go! Tell everyone!" Mike said to Will, who nodded and drove off. Mike escorted El into the emergency room and sat her in a wheelchair. He pushed her up to the main counter and looked at the lady behind it. "Yes hi my wife's giving birth." Mike bit his lip as El let out a scream of pain.

"Yes yes of course. Is it her first baby?" The old woman asked. Mike nodded. "Come with me." She walked out from behind the little desk thing and down the hallway. Mike followed, pushing Eleven, who was in a shit ton of pain. Mike pushed her into the room the lady told them to go to and put her on the bed. She gasped in pain.

"Hey baby, it's okay. It'll be so worth it, won't it? Just imagine a little girl that was my curls and your pretty eyes." He kissed her forehead and the doctor walked in.

"Let's get this going, yeah?" The doctor asked, snapping on his rubber gloves.


El held the crying baby in her arms, crying herself. Mike was sitting next to her on the bed, smiling happily. He kissed El's head.

"Emmy Wilma Wheeler." He cooed, and the baby stopped crying momentarily. Tears slipped down Mike's cheek.

"Mike, why'd you name her Emmy?" El asked.

"After the thing that reminds me of you the most; Eggos." He laughed. El's eyes brightened.

"Really?! She's named after Eggos?!" She giggled. Mike nodded and put his finger to his lips.

"Let's keep that between us, yeah? The guys'll flip." He said, and everyone busted into the room. By everyone, that meant Will, Wil's boyfriend Nate, Max, Lucas, Dustin, Joyce, Hopper, Nancy, Jonathan, Karen, Ted, and a now teenage Holly. El hid her face in Mike's sweater. Everyone blew up.

"Everyone! Shut up!" Mike yelled, and everyone became quiet.

"So?" Max asked, stepping forward. "What's it's name?"

"Emmy Wilma Wheeler." El pronounced, and everyone cheered. 

"The Wilma is after me!" Will cheered, and everyone patted him on the back. Hopper held his arms out.

"May I?" He asked El, and El slowly handed her over. She was nervous someone was gonna take Emmy like what happened to her. Hopper smiled at the new baby.

"Hey kiddo." He smiled and everyone crowded around, wanting to get a look at the new baby. Mike faced El.

"I'm so proud of you. Not only for holding a living thing inside of you for nine months, but overcoming your fears about someone taking her from you. But I swear, I will kill anyone who hurts her. Now and forever." Mike smiled. El wiped her tears and pulled him close.

"Promise?" She sniffled.

"Promise, Mrs. Wheeler."


hola i like tear jerkers

the song in the last chapter was the ballad of mona lisa by panic! at the disco good job @saturnzwifibarz for getting it

new song:

  The songs on the radio are okay
But my taste in music is your face
And it takes a song to come around
To show you how  

good luck!

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