"Get out of my head" 2

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Both Hawkins AV Club and the Losers walked back to Max's house. They slowly walked up the steps.

"Hey!" Richie shouted. "Hurry the fuck up, you're as slow as Mrs. K!" Eddie rolled his eyes at his idiot boyfriend. It was Max and Bev, who were catching up. Both of them looked back.

"Fucking shit! Is Max as deadly as Bev?" Richie asked and the AV Club nodded.

"She once beat someone up for calling me gay. I am, of course, but still." Will shrugged. "Only Lucas can calm her down."

"Yeah, I'm the only one that can calm her down." Ben puffed out his chest. (oops they're dating now)

"Whatever. Can we hurry this up ladies? As much as I'm enjoying the view, my bag is hurting me." Richie snickered.

"Rich," Eddie sighed, face palming. "You're fucking gay as shit." The two groups arrived in Max's third floor, which had a couch, a tv, and lots of floorspace.

Mike and I call the couch!" Eleven screeched and jumped on it. Mike rolled his eyes and walked over to his girlfriend.

"Are you okay? Did what's his name-Eddie-do anything to you?" Mike cupped her face.

"No no no! Of course not! He's my friend Mike. Stop being jealous. Plus he's gay and has a boyfriend. Get your head out of your ass. You know I love you so much." El sighed.

Max put in a movie. Not just any move; she put in the Shining. 

"Max really?!" Lucas groaned. Max laughed.

"Ships gonna scream; ships gonna cuddle." (ok max is the ultimate Mileven shipper comment if you agree) Mike pulled El close.

"If it gets too scary just tell me okay?" Mike pet her head. El nodded and snuggled into his chest.

"Richie." Eddie tapped on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Do you know how many germs are in hotels? Somebody must've had something and like had sex on the sheets and they didn't wash properly and like the guy slept on it and-" Eddie was shut up by his boyfriend kissing him gently.

"For once, I'm telling someone this, but shut up." Richie smiled and Eddie put his head on Richie's chest.

"Love you Bitchie." Eddie giggled.

"Love you too Eds." Richie played with the smaller boy's curls. Max nudged Lucas.

"You scared stalker?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Promise not to make any sounds?" Lucas said, moving closer to the red head.

"I'm scared stalker-" Max was cut off by Lucas kissing her neck. (relax they're like 16) Dustin threw popcorn at them across Will.

"Knock it off you horny fuckers!" Dustin shouted. Mike (not Wheeler) gasped.

"You honestly sound like Richie. Wow, looks like Mike and talks like Dustin..." He smirked. Stan and Bill were the furthest away from the group.

"s-s-scared?" Bill asked, kissing Stan's knuckle.

"Nope. Just on edge. Pennywise was way worse than this." Stan fixed Bill's hair and wrapped his arms around him. "You?"

"s-s-sorta. I-I-I don't l-l-like when k-kids are in d-danger..." He looked at Stan's arms.

"Don't worry, it isn't real." Stan cooed and kissed Bill's arm. Ben started shaking.

"Ben, it's okay." Bev consoled and stroked his hand. "Promise." She put her head on his shoulder. Will and Dustin sighed.

"How are we the only single ones here?" Will asked. Mike (not Wheeler) crawled over to them.

"I've been asking myself that same question forever ma dude." He laughed. Will looked him over and bit his lip.

"You sure you aren't gay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Mike laughed.

"Yes, I'm sure. Sorry." He smiled. "So Dustin, why haven't you been getting the ladies? I heard that purr of yours, and I'm actually shocked they're not falling over themselves to get to you." Mike said sincerley.

"Really?!" Dustin squealed. Max and Bev shushed him.

"Yep! Something's wrong with the ladies of Hawkins. The ladies of Derry would be all over you. Especially Greta-" A magazine was thrown at Mike's head.

"Dustin's mom put me in charge of him." El wiped the blood from her nose. "So no setting him up with girls."

"Especially a bitch like Greta!" Bev shook her head dissaprovingly.

"Is she really that bad-" Mike got caught off by the Loser's Club screaming at him.

"She dumped shit water on Bev!" 

"She and her friends stole Stan's kippah!" 

"She called me a whore!" Mike (not Wheeler) held his hands up.

"Sorry! I don't go to school with her!" He said. The movie ended and Max put in Jaws. It was already 11 pm.

"Another one!" She cheered and went back to Lucas. Halfway through, everyone was asleep, clinging to their partner. Dustin, Mike (not Wheeler), and Will were all cuddled up in their blankets. It was a great night to be cuddled up, since it was raining hard.


so this is just my fav ships

this ending is trash OOF

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