"Innocent Ellie"

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HOLA! This is 'part' two of my first chapter called "Because you love me?" It really doesn't have any connection, except the Mike explains what sex is... I DON'T GO INTO DETAIL RELAX


Karen and Ted Wheeler were out of town, and they took baby Holly with them. Nancy was told to watch Mike if Eleven came over, but she knew that Mike wouldn't do anything that would hurt her. Since being the only female in the house who isn't sucking faces with Mike, she invited Jonathan over.

Mike and El were laying in Mike's bed, and he was reading Snow White to his girlfriend.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the fair-" Mike got cut off as noises came from the other side of the wall. It sounded like grunts and moans.

"M-Mike?" El stuttered. "I-Is the m-monster back?" She started to shake. Mike put the book down and held her close.

"Shhh El. It's not the monster." He kissed her head as Eleven calmed down.

"Can you invite the boys over? And Max too." She asked, listening to his heartbeat. It always calmed her.

"Of course love." He grabbed his super com. "Hello? Anyone copy? Over." Lucas was the first to pick up.

"I'm here. So is Max. Over." Lucas said and Dustin picked up too.

"D-dawg is here. Over." Dustin laughed. Will joined in too.

"Um hey? Are we invited over? Over." Will said quietly. Eleven grabbed Mike's super com.

"Yep! Nancy and Jonathan are here and they're making weird noises-" Eleven was cut off by Mike, who took the walkie-talkie away.

"That's enough Eleven." Mike laughed, and so did everyone else, except for Will.

"They are doing what?! I'll be over in 10! Over and out!" Will threw his super com on his bed and started towards the Wheeler residence.

"Lumax is on the move! Over and out!" Lucas dropped his super com on the floor and walked with Max to Mike's house.

"I'll bring candy! Bye!" Dustin ran around his house to find candy and made his way over. 

Mike smiled at Eleven, who was still confused about the grunts and moans. 

"Okay, we're doing this. I'm gonna tell you what your step-brother (Jopper all the way y'all) and my sister and doing. Just remember that this is gonna be even more akward for me than you..."

~One akward sex talk later...~

The whole gang was hanging out in the kitchen. Dustin and Eleven were having a competition to see who could eat the most Eggos, but then Mike put a stop to it, not wanting his girlfriend to puke. Nancy and Jonathan walked down the stairs, and everyone went silent, staring at them.

"Why are you all staring?!" Nance yelled. Eleven blushed and hopped off the chair where she was sitting.

"Psst, Wheeler," Max poked Mike. "Why is she blushing? Oh my lord did you give her the sex talk?!" Mike blushed and nodded. "You ruined innocent Ellie!" Eleven walked towards Nance and Jonathan.

"Mike explained to me why you two sounded like you were being attacked by a bear." Eleven said and the whole group exploded with laughter, except for Nancy, Jonathan, Mike, and Eleven. Mike wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and kissed her cheek. Nance was blushing really bad and Jonathan groaned. "You ruined my sister Mike! She's not so cute anymore!" Mike growled.

"Jonathan, she's always cute." Eleven rolled her eyes and broke out of her boyfriends grip, pulling Nancy aside.

"Mike told me..." El sighed. "Mike told me people do that when they're in love. He said that we're gonna do it when we're older...is that a good thing?" Nancy smiled and nodded.

"Honey, as long as you're ready, you'll be fine." Nancy walked over to Jonathan and led him out the door. Eleven walked over to Mike and hugged him, knowing she'd love him forever.



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