"Do I look pretty?" Part 1

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[Age 14+15] (stepping it up y'all)

It was the gang's first party since going into high school. The only reason they were going was because Max stole the flyer from Billy's room out of revenge for beating up her boyfriend. It started at 10, so everyone was hanging out at the Wheeler's house. Nancy, Eleven, and Max were getting ready upstairs, and the boys were in the basment. 

Dustin was getting anxious so he stood at the bottom of the stairs going up to Nancy's room. "Come on ladies! We need to go!" 

"Shut up Dustin!" Max yelled as she put the finishing touches on Eleven's hair. The boys crowded around the bottom of the stairs, Lucas and Mike excited to see their girlfriends dressed up. Max opened the door, and jumped down the stairs, wearing a black jumpsuit.

"Wow Max..." Lucas smiled as Max rolled her eyes.

"Shut your face stalker." She held his hand. Eleven poked her head out of the door and looked for Mike. He was checking his watch. 

"Mike!" El screamed, making everyone jump. She skipped down the stairs, wearing a very short dress Nancy had picked out. Mike's eyes widened as he gulped. "Mike? Do I look pretty?" Eleven knew she looked good, she just liked hearing him say it.

"No not pretty El. Beautiful." He held his arms out and she gave him a bear hug. Dustin gagged.

"Ew. Love." Mike shoved him with his free arm.

"Everyone ready?" Will asked.

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