"You can't, I can."

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happy to birthday to the GROUND!



El was playing in the snow in the park. Mike had took her, so she could make a snowman. She had Mike's giant coat on, a big hat, and Holly's gloves that fit her hands. She was making snow angels in the snow, then snowballs rained down from the bridge.

Eleven's P.O.V.

Giant balls of white stuff flew at my head. I got up from my 'snow angel' as Mike called them. I ran to Mike, who got up as soon as the stuff  started coming at me.

"El!" Mike shouted. "Cover your head!" I covered my head and Mike pulled me away from the white stuff and behind a building. "Are you okay?" He put his hands on my rosy cheeks.

"Y-yeah..." I wiped the snow off my hat. "What were those things?" I leaned on him.

"Snowballs. They are snow packed up in a ball and thrown at people." He looked at the bridge. "Troy." He sneered. I looked at Troy, who was laughing on the bridge. I picked up a handful of snow.

"How..do you make one?" I asked, and Mike showed me how to form a snowball.

"You can't hit them El. They're too far away." I raised the snowball as my nose began to bleed. 

"No Mike. You can't." I threw the snowball, and before it hit the ground, it flew upwards and hit Troy right in the face. "I can." I turned around to face my boyfriend.

Mike's P.O.V.

A little stream of blood ran under El's nose.

"Wh-you-" I stumbled, and El wiped her nose. 

"No one hurts my boyfriend." She said, staring straight into my eyes. The snowflakes on her eyelashes made her look like a goddess.

"I love you so much El." I kissed her forehead. "Let's get home and warmed up, you seem a little cold." I took her hand and walked with her back to my house.

"Cocoa!" El cheered and kissed my cheek, making me blush. "Thank you!"


im watching the lip sync battle that the kids did and its so funny also sorry its so short

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