"Cut the bullshit"

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my friend is squirrel girl pls make this official @  marvel 

im also watching it this weekend can someone send me the entire script so i dont shit myself


[Age:13+14] (this is inspired by another story, its in my reading list but i forgot the name its the one with the girl from 'it')

Max and Eleven were in the locker room of Hawkin's pool. Max was trying to explain what a swimming pool was to her best friend.

"It's like the ocean," Max explained. "But smaller and cleaner and no fish." Eleven crossed her arms over her chest.

"I just don't want to where this! It covers nothing!" El protested, motioning to her pale pink one-piece swimsuit.

"It covers more than others. See?" Max let the towel fall, revealing her in a black and white bikini. El's eyes went big. Max rolled her eyes. "I didn't want to do this... Mike's out there and he'll get sad if you don't come out."

"M-Mike? H-he taught me clothes-" El started.

"Cut the bullshit and let your boyfriend see your cute swimsuit!" Max dragged El out of the locker room and to the boys.

Mike's P.O.V.

She looked beautiful, but I could tell she didn't like the swimsuit. I took off my shorts and her eyes went wide, blush covering her cheeks.

"Mike! Why did you take off you shirt?" She asked, grabbing it from my hand.

"Boys swim shirtless. Right guys?" I asked Will and Lucas, since Dustin was grounded doing chores.

"He's not lying sis." Will took off his shirt and jumped into the water.

"Will!" El screamed and jumped in after him. She began to struggle in the water, trying to doggy paddle. I jumped in after her and grabbed her, pulling her up with me. She clung to me as I swam to the steps. "M-Mike..." She sobbed. 

"Will's okay. There's this thing called swimming." I explained.

"I thought...I would stay on top."

"Water lets you float sometimes love. You need to move or you'll get pulled under." Will swam over to us and grabbed El's hand. 

"I'm fine. Don't just go jumping into stuff." Will smiled and El nodded.

"O-Okay...sorry Will." El sat on the steps, her feet in the water.

"No problem." Will splashed me and I splashed back. Another wave splashed us too and I turned my head to see a giggling El. 

"I'm gonna get you!" I shouted and splashed a ton of water on her. She squealed and clung to Will.

"You aren't safe there! You got me too!" He laughed and tried to splash El around his back. El clung to the edge and moved away from us.

"Careful!" I shouted and swam after her.


is 'it' scary? im only watching cause of finn

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