"Don't touch him"

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Mike and Eleven were arguing for the first time since their reunion. And it was pissing off the rest of the party.

As the gang rode to the park on their bikes, all they could hear was Eleven and Mike picking up where their fight left off.

"Mike!" Eleven yelled out in frustration. "What the hell?!" Max looked over at them worriedly from the back of Lucas' bike, hugging him tighter.

"Stalker," She whispered to Lucas. 'Pull over. I have an idea." Max flagged down Mike and made him pull up near Lumax. "First off," She said to Mike and Eleven. "Stop screaming. You're giving me a headache. Second, I'm riding with Mike." Mike and Lucas were very confused, but Mike, unlike Lucas, kept his mouth shut.

"Max! What the fuck?!" Max shushed him and hopped on Mike's bike, wrapping her arms around his waist. Eleven's brown eyes clouded over with rage and jealousy.

"Don't touch him!" She screamed and used her powers to pull Max away from her boyfriend. Mike stared at the blood running down her face and slowly walked over. 

"Eleven are you...jealous?" He asked, wiping the blood from her lip off with his sweater sleeve. "I'm never gonna leave you El. You're my one and only." He kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Promise?" Eleven asked leaning on him.

"Promise." Mike whispered to her, then looked back at Max, who was getting helped off the ground by Lucas. "Was this all a ploy?" He laughed.

"Damn, you've figured out my trick. And besides, I've got my own loverboy." she giggled and pinched Lucas' cheek as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey El?" Mike said as he helped her back on his bike.
"Yes?" She replied, holding his waist tightly.

"Sorry for buying you knockoff Eggos" 

"It's okay Mike" She giggled, putting a hand over her mouth. "I forgive you."


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