"Stay with me"

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i wrote the last part like 45 minutes ago saying how happy i was for 260 reads. now im at like 365 and im so so so happy. thank you all so much, and be active!!!!! (*^∀゚)ъ

song: I Write Sins Not Tragedies (it has no context i just like it)


[Age: 13+14]

Eleven's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes slowly, allowing them to adjust to the light. I quickly come to notice that I'm in  a room. The room in fact. It is small, dark, and very cold. Tears began running down my cheeks as I bang on the doors. This time, I didn't scream for Papa. I screamed for home; I screamed for my Mike. Papa threw open the door and picked me up by my short hair. 

"Look what you've done Eleven," Guards dragged in dead bodies of my friends one by one. Dustin, Lucas, Will, Max, and finally Mike. I cried even harder when I saw his mangled body lying on the ground. "You did this Eleven. You're nothing more than the number I gave you. And Mike never loved you."

I quickly sat up, tears streaming down my face. I hugged my knees close to my chest as I bawled into them. After crying for a little, I tiptoed into Will's room and grabbed his Super Com. 

"Mike?" I sniffled into the walkie-talkie, pressing the button just like Will showed me. I didn't get a reply. "Mike?" I said again, this time a little louder. 

"E-El?" Mike yawned, his voice groggy. I checked the clock. It was two four three.

"I-I h-had a n-nightmare Mike..." Tears welled up in my eyes, on the brink of spilling.

"You did? I'll be over in 15 minutes. Grab Yoda. I love you." Eleven shut off Will's Super Com and placed it on the floor. She grabbed her stuffed Yoda and laid down, remembering when Mike had given it to her.

We were laying on the couch at Mike's house watching Star Wars. Mike had his arm around my shoulders. We got to the part where Yoda was talking, and I giggled.

"You know El," Mike started. "You're a lot like Yoda. Wanna know why?" Mike asked, looking into her eyes. I nodded, looking right back at him. "Because you can move stuff with your mind like him, and you two don't talk like everyone else. You're...different in a good way." Mike kissed my forehead.

"Mike, I want to talk pretty. Stay with me forever and teach." I whispered to him, getting sleepy. 

"Of course I will El. Now go to sleep..." He handed me a stuffed Yoda as I drifted off to sleep.

Mike's P.O.V.

I rode my bike to the back of the Hopper/Byer's house and left it in the shed. I made my way to Eleven's bedroom window, careful not to wake Hopper. If I did, I would be in 'deep shit' like Dustin says. 

My girlfriend's window was open a crack, so I pulled it open easily. I saw her sleeping form cuddling with the Yoda toy I gave her. I kicked off my shoes and laid next to her. She immediatly came over and cuddled with me. I dozed off after I pulled her close to me, willing to fight off the nightmares if they dare come again.



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