"Get out of my head"

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oh hai naylani how you doing ;))))) 


Beverley Marsh and Max Mayfield were twins. Beverly moved to Derry with her dad, and Max moved to Hawkins with her mom. Bev was visiting Hawkins, and her friends, who she called the Losers Club, were coming with her to meet Max and Hawkins AV Club.


The Losers Club walked with Bev to the park, where Max and Bev agreed to meet. Mike was pushing Eleven on the swings, Will was chasing Dustin who stole his pudding cup, and Lucas was calming Max down.

"Hey hey hey, relax. It's just your sister-" Lucas started.

"Dude! It's not just my sister! She's my sister who I haven't seen in years! And her boyfriend!" Max complained and Lucas sighed, pulling her into a hug. Bev and Bill walked over to the pair.

"MadMax!" Bev squealed and Max met her eyes. 

"Beaver!" Max squealed back and tackled her in a hug. The Losers Club approached the pair and so did Hawkins AV Club. Mike W. and Richie looked at each other in disbelief. Everyone introduced themselves, except for Mike W. and Richie. 

"Mike," El poked his arm. "Say hi!" She complained.

"He-he looks like me!" Mike shouted.

"What do you mean I look like you?! You look like me!" Richie shouted back. Both boys walked close to each other.

Turtle! Eleven! Eddie!" Both boys shouted. "Get out of my head!" 

"I-i-i-it's l-l-like they s-share a b-brain!" Bill laughed. Mike and Richie faced him.

"Fuck off." Both of them said again. Bill put his hands up.

"J-j-jeez..." He rolled his eyes.

"Ha, you have- no I don't have an insult." Richie said sadly. Eleven walked up to Richie and pulled off his glasses.

"You look like Mike. Really cute." El giggled and Eddie stepped next to Richie.

"I would tap that." Richie nodded, smiling. Mike shoved him away. Richie swung his fists and Mike. El pulled Mike away, his nose bleeding. Eddie pulled Richie away, struggling against Eddie. 

"What the hell dude?! You're gay!" Eddie shouted at Richie. Richie shrugged.

"Whatever dipshit her hair looks like yours. That's why it's cute." Richie sighed and walked back to the Losers. Mike returned to the AV Club. Eddie and Eleven faced each other.

"Sorry my boyfriend's annoying. And he cusses a lot. We call him trashmouth." Eddie giggled. El smiled.

"Yeah, mine's a bit annoying too. Is yours the leader of your club?" El asked, looking at the smaller boy.

"Nope. Bill is. Is yours?" 

"Yes. He helped us kill the Demogorgon and Mind Flayer."

"In D&D?"

"No, we killed them in real life."

"You killed a supernatural thing?! So did we! We killed a killer clown!" Eddie laughed. Everyone looked over. Mike (not Wheeler) ran over to Eddie.

"You told her about Pennywise?!" He screamed as the Losers ran over, as did Hawkins AV Club.

"You told him about the Mind Flayer?!" Will screamed too.

"Relax, he killed something too. Wanna see something cool?" El asked.

"Eleven no!" Mike raged and tried to grab her. A baseball flew off the ground and swerved in between the kids. El wiped the blood off her lip.

"Powers!" El cheered and jumped on Mike's back.

"Son of a bitch! El!" Dustin complained. The baseball hit him on the leg.

"You can do what?!?!" The Losers screamed. Mike held El on his back. 

"She has powers. She's a government weapon who escaped and I stole then fell in love. And she has a tattoo." Mike smiled and El kissed his ear. Eddie cheered.

"Cool! Bill has a stutter, I'm a germaphobe, Stan has OCD, Richie is hella gay and a trashmouth, and uhhhh...oh Ben is chubby." Eddie squealed.

"Hey!" Ben yelled.

"So...are you staying with Max?" Lucas asked, holding his girlfriend's hand.

"Yep! You all are welcome to sleep over! It'll be a massive party!" Max cheered. Everyone else began laughing and walked to Max's house.

June 10th was officially the day where Hawkins AV Club formed a treaty with the Losers Club.


just to make this clear, they all are the same age.

i thought this was v funny and i was crying with laughter and my friends told me to shut up

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