"I do"

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'penis' - emily  (my best friend) im so bored im writing the lyrics of the real slim shady

its going great author isnt dying


Mike's P.O.V.

It was November 10th 1989, the seventh anniversary of Eleven and my first kiss. It was also the date of her wedding. To someone else.


El and I had broken up two years after we found each other. She got adopted, and she moved to another town. He tried to remain close, but the difference separated us. I still loved her, but I don't know if she can return the feeling. After all, today is her wedding day. I got out of my car and walked into the chapel. I was nervous of course, she was my soulmate. But the both of us didn't know that back then. But now I do. I sat down in the back, gripping the invitation tightly. 

After a few minutes, the wedding music started. The groom, and ugly looking guy who El was too beautiful for, staggered down the isle. He was obviously drunk. I scowled and waited for Eleven to walk down the isle. The bride music played and El gracefully walked down the isle. I looked at her closely. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were splotchy. She had been crying. I looked at the douchebag groom and narrowed my eyes.

(later on bc i cant write wedding scenes lol)

"Do you," The wedding officiant started. "Jacob Westley, take Jane Ives to be your lawfully wedded wife?" They didn't know her real name. This made me let out an involuntary growl.

"I do." 'Jacob' replied, flashing his blinding white teeth at the audience. The wedding officiant turned to El.

"Do you, Jane Ives, take Jacob Westley to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The wedding officiant asked. 

"I-I-I..." El stuttered. I saw Jacob dig his nails into her palm. 

"Stop!" I screamed, standing up. "Don't do this El!" Everyone stared at me. El pulled her hands away from his.

"Mike," She sobbed. "Help..." I ran up to her and Jacob glared at me.

"Wha-She's mine!" Jacob tried to swing at me, but he was too drunk to do so. He flew across the room and into the wall. I turned to El and wiped the blood off her lip. 

"I've missed you," Tears ran down my cheeks and she hugged me tightly.

"Me too." She cried into my dress clothes. I picked her up like a baby and flipped off Jacob.

"Screw you man. She's my soulmate." I smirked and walked her back to my car. I placed the still little girl into the trunk and sat next to her.

"Thank you..." She whispered. "He's like Papa...controlling...hurtful..." She put her head in her hands. I took off my dress shirt, leaving me just in my plain white t-shirt. 

"Take off that dress and put on my shirt. I'll turn around." I did what I said and I heard her changing out of that stupid dress.

"I'm done lo-Mike." She said quietly. I turned around to face her. 

"I'll drive us back to my house okay? Will your parents be okay with-" I got cut off.

"They were like Papa too. Drive." She laid down in the trunk. I crawled to the driver's seat and drove us back to Hawkins. I pulled my car into the driveway and opened the trunk. My little El was fast asleep. I picked her up and walked to my room, placing her on the bed. "Mike," She stirred. I suddenly got big enough balls that I kissed her forehead. She giggled.

"Night El." I whispered, about to walk out of the room.

"I love you Mike." She whispered back, and I stopped dead in my tracks. "Yes I just said that. Lay with me. It is your bed." I crawled next to her. She put her head on my chest. "Goodnight Mike. I love you."

"I love you too El." I smiled.


hai this is a request with a twist

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