"Can't help falling in love"

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pls watch this video when the character gets on stage

wattpad is being glitchy im sorry the title keeps not being up


El's P.O.V.

I fixed my still short hair in the mirror as I waited for my brother Jonathan to pick me up. Tonight was the talent show, and I was preforming. Last. The worst fudging spot. I did a little spin to make my some-what fluffy dress look like a cupcake. 

"ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Jonathan screamed. "MIKE'S HERE!" I blushed and rolled my eyes, imaging Mike covering his ears to my annoying brothers screams. I skipped out my door and into the kitchen, facing Jonathan and Mike. Jonathan walked away to probably call Nancy, and Mike blushed.

"You look pretty El." He smiled. I thanked him and kissed his cheek. "Sooooooooooo? Are you gonna tell me what your act is?" He asked, hopefully. I shook my head.

"No. Now come on, we're gonna be late and Max is preforming." I giggled and my boyfriend raised his eyebrow at my comment as we walked to his bike.

"She's doing what now?" Mike asked in disbelief. 

"She's like, doing something with punching. I dunno." I shrugged and hopped on Mike's bike, tucking my dress under my legs so it wouldn't fly up. Mike sat in front of me and he pedaled off. I wrapped my arms around his waist so I wouldn't fall and ruin my pretty dress that Nancy picked out.


Mike locked his bike onto the rack next to Will's, who was on stage crew so had to be there early. 

"Mike, I gotta go. If you see Dustin or Caleb, tell them I will kick their asses if they tell you!" I called over my shoulder as I skipped to the side door, where the other preformers were entering.

"They know and I don't?! HOW DARE YOU JANE HOPPER!" Mike yelled playfully as he walked in the front doors. I blew him a kiss and walked into the girls locker room. Max was sitting on the bench, tying her sneakers. 

"Hey." I smiled as I put my bag down next to her. Max tried to smile back on me, but she couldn't.

"Hi! Are you nervous? I'm nervous. Wow, I'm gonna puke. You look good. Am I talking fast?" She was. "Nah, I'm not. Anyways, are you ready? I'll be going out soon so wish me luck!" She rambled. I grabbed her shoulders.

"Max, I love you like a sister, but CALM THE FUCK DOWN! I honestly don't know what your act is, but I know you will crush it!" I cheered. That seemed to relax Max as she nodded.

"Yeah, I can do this!" The redhead told herself as she began to pace the locker room. Will knocked on the locker room door.

"Hello? Is everyone like, not naked?" He gulped. I laughed and opened the door.

"Really? They send the gay one?" I chuckled. Will pushed past me, chuckling too.

"Alright! Curtain opens in 5 so get ready! The order is Max blah blah blah Dustin blah blah blah blah and then finally, El!" Will told us and all the girls in the room nodded. Will walked out before giving me a high five. Max followed behind him and got ready to go on. I sat in the corner, practicing my act in my head.


Finally my time came to shine. I grabbed my ukulele and headed backstage.

Mike's P.O.V.

Lucas walked onstage and up to the mike.

"For our last act of the night, give it up for Jane Hopper!" Lucas introduced my girlfriend, who walked onstage wearing something completely different than earlier. She had on faded overalls, a striped t-shirt that looked like mine, and a red bow in her short hair. She took a seat on the stool that was placed down for her and brought her ukulele to her lap. Her eyes scanned the audience, and when they caught mine, she smiled. The beauty of a girl cleared her throat and began to play chords.

(imagine it is the twenty one pilots version, it would sound better than elvis)

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you." 

She sang, strumming her ukulele. Her eyes were closed and was relaxed, almost if she practiced a million times.

"Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?

If I can't help falling in love with you." 

She opened one eye and caught mine staring at her with an open mouth.

"Fuck." I whispered under my breath. She just grinned at me and kept singing, both her eyes open now.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Somethings are meant to be.
Take my hand
My whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Somethings are meant to be.
Take my hand
My whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
For I can't help falling in love...with you..."

 She sang, closing her eyes at the final words. I was the first to stand, and I whistled. She blushed and stood up, bowing slightly before practically running offstage. I stopped cheering, unlike everyone else who was still standing and clapping, and took off out the gym doors. I ran to the cafeteria. She's so predictable. El was sitting at our table fiddling with her ukulele. 

"Fuck." I said aloud, making her head snap up. Her eyes met mine and timed seem to stop. "El, that was...wow I'm at a loss for words. You...you just like, blew my mind-" I rambled, but finally got cut off by my girlfriend pressing her lips to mine. She slowly pulled away after a few moments.

"I love you Michael Wheeler." She pronounced. "I don't say it enough."

"I love you too El. I don't say it enough either." I kissed her nose and grabbed her ukulele. "One more private concert?"


legit crying brb 

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