"Like Mike"

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im not having a snow day rip  ಠ╭╮ಠ eh at least im listening to panic at the disco    ♪ ♬ ヾ('︶'♡)ノ ♬ ♪


[Ages 13+14]

Mike and Eleven were at the arcade with the boys and Max. Everyone was playing Dig Dug, and El was actually kickass at the game. She had skill that rivaled MadMax. Everyone was impressed, and Mike was her biggest fan.

"Go El! Beat Max's score!" He cheered from behind her. Max rolled her eyes but smiled.

"You are good at this Eleven. Turn- yeah, you got it!" Max cheered too as Eleven beat Max's high score. "Shit! You beat me!" Max laughed and patted her friend on the back. "Nice job!" Eleven finally died (y'all i have no idea about dig dug so...) and looked at the boys. They were all in awe.

"Tricks you. Dig Dug is fun! Like Mike!" Eleven smiled, and got distracted by another game.

"Wow," Dustin laughed. "That girl keeps suprising us, eh Mike?" Mike nodded. 

"I thought...my score was really high! She beat it!" Max scowled. Lucas laughed and consoled her. Mike wandered away from them and to his girlfriend, who was playing Pac-Man. The game took her last quarter and she died quickly. 

"Shit!" El exclaimed, using Dustin's word. Mike laughed and put his quarter in and stood behind her, putting his hands over hers on the controls. 

"I'll help you okay?" Mike helped Eleven do well, and they both laughed as Pac-Man died from the pink ghost. "It got you!" He chuckled.

"Thank you Mike. I understand how to play now." She kissed his nose and looked around. "Do they have Eggos Mike?" She asked.

"No love. Want popcorn? It's the stuff they have at the theater. Remember?" Mike replied. Eleven nodded.

"No Mike. I'm okay." She walked back to her friends and jumped on Dustin's back. Dustin laughed and held her.

"Be careful Dustin." Mike warned as he watched Max play Dig Dug. Eleven pointed over Max's shoulder. 

"It's a trick. Go left, not right." Max followed her advice and didn't die.

"Wow El, you really are good." Lucas complimented as he put a hand on his girlfriend's back. Will checked the clock. 

"El it's time to go home. Hop'll be here in a few." Will said and El jumped off Dustin's back.

"I'm staying with Mike tonight. Mike can everyone sleep over? Pleaseeeeeee!" El begged and Mike chuckled. 

"Sure. Sleepover at the Wheeler's." Eleven cheered.



do people want me to tag songs in the beginning? would you listen to them?

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