Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV:

Chou Tzuyu

So beautiful...

So pretty...


Jhope: Wrong move Taehyung!! WRONG MOVE!! It's jump THEN spin!! If you want the performance tomorrow to go well, YOU NEED TO GET IT RIGHT!!!


Oh noooo, he's in one of his tempers right now... It doesn't happen often cause he is usually the joyful one in our group, but when it does, it's hella scary!!

Jhope: Alright from the top everybody!! GET IN PLACE!!!

Wondering what we are doing? Well we are at the dance studio right now rehearing for tomorrow's performance at the KPAs.

(KPA: Korean Pop Awards)

But honestly, to tell you the truth, I can't concentrate, AT ALL!! My head is filled with thoughts of Tzuyu and how I'm gonna meet her tomorrow. I'm VERY excited, but at the same time kinda nervous too, so yeah, I can't really concentrate......

Jhope: No NO!! Not like THAT!! You've got the wrong direction!! Concentrate WOULD YA'??

Taehyung: Sorry!! Sorry!!

Jhope: UGH!!!

So yeah, as I said, CAN'T CONCENTRATE

Many yellings, shoutings and hours later

Jhope: That's a wrap! Phew!! FINALLY!! Get some rest people, we can't mess up tomorrow!

I was honestly sooo tired at that point, I was stumbling towards the exit when Jungkook approached me.

Jungkook: Hyung, what's up with you?

Taehyung: Wha...What? What are you talking about?

Jungkook: You've been distant all session, what's going on in that head of yours?*Chuckles*

Taehyung: No...Nothing...Just tired I guess

Jungkook: Alright, whatever you say, just looking out for you

Yeah, there's no way I'm gonna let Jungkook know that I was thinking about her girlfriend the whole session

Oh, I didn't mention? Yeah, well my long time crush is dating my best friend. Messed up am I right? They announced their relationship last week, and let me just say I have never been more upset and hurt in my entire life.

Well, only thing to do now is wait or give up.

Yeah, forget the part about giving up, I don't think I can do it EVEN if I want to.

Back at the apartment, Rapmon and Taehyung's room, 12:00pm

We finished practice for the award show the next day and were back at our dorm. The others went to bed as soon as they can, and me? I'm still up in my room, doing what you ask...well...

Rapmon: Taehyung! What are you doing? It's 12:00 already! Go to sleep!!

Taehyung: I can't, I need to pick my outfit for tomorrow, it has to be perfect!!

Rapmon: You know we have stylists for a reason right?

Taehyung: Yeah, yeah, but I want to choose mine this time, I need it to be perfect!

Rapmon: *Chuckles* Why?

Taehyung: reason...

Yeah, Rapmon is a smart one, I think he actually knows that I like Tzuyu, but for mine and Jungkook's sake, he just doesn't expose it."

Rapmon: Just go to sleep

Taehyung: Alright alright...

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