Chapter 21

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Taehyung's POV:

We finally finished the song. I felt excited and disappointed at the same time. How you ask? Well, excited because we can finally release our single to the world, and disappointed because that means less time with Tzuyu...

The last weeks and so has been great, me and Tzuyu spent so much time together working on the song. I've never spent so much time with her before in my life, and I don't know, I just felt a connection with her instantly

I hope she feels it too...

Just as Tzuyu was leaving the studio, I ran up to her and blurted out

Taehyung: Wait!! Stop!!

Tzuyu: Huh? What's the problem Tae?

Why did I do that??

I honestly don't know... what the heck came over me??

Taehyung: I wanted to ask if you wanted to go get a coffee with me... to celebrate finishing our song of course!!

Tzuyu: I'd love to, but I can't do today... I have a date with Jungkook tonight...


A date??

With Jungkook??

Honestly... why am I so surprised??

They are a couple, it's normal for them to go on dates...

She even told me before that they would go on a date right after she finishes the song

So why am I even surprised?

Taehyung:, it's fine...

Tzuyu: I've already promised him and I cannot cancel on him again... Rain check??

Rain check??

Does that mean she WANTS to go get coffee with me??

Taehyung: Sure!! I mean, of course

Tzuyu: *Smiles* I need to go now, bye Tae

Taehyung: Bye... *Mumbles* have fun...

At least I may get to go get coffee with her next time...

Jungkook's POV:

After the date

I had a great time with Tzuyu today, only problem is...

There's something missing...

The spark I've always felt with her has disappeared...


I was thinking about Sana the whole time...

How I'd rather want to go on a date with Sana instead...


What am I thinking??

This is sooo wrong!!

I can't be thinking about another girl when I have a girlfriend...

But I feel happier with Sana

A happiness I've never felt before

A happiness that Tzuyu can't give me

What should I do?

I think I should end it with her...

Cause my heart no longer lies with her

My heart lies with Sana...

I'll end everything with Tzuyu tomorrow

And start something new with Sana...

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now