Chapter 37

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Taehyung's POV:

We arrived at the company and found both Bang PD and JYP there waiting for our arrival

Bang PD: Finally! let's go into my office...

Me and Tzuyu both exchanged nervous glances then followed Bang PD and JYP

What is going on?

We all went inside and Bang PD gestured us to take a seat

He held up a gossip magazine and pointed at the cover

Bang PD: What the heck is this?

There on the cover is me hugging Tzuyu while she is crying, outside our dorm and the huge text on the bottom wrote

"Twice Chou Tzuyu dating BTS Kim Taehyung??"

What the heck?? The paparazzi must've spotted us yesterday and took that picture...

Thank god they didn't catch us kissing...

JYP: How are we supposed to handle this now? I don't know if you guys are really dating or not but we can't let the public find out otherwise...

Actually are we dating?? I don't even know...

Tzuyu being the polite and good girl she is apologized immediately

Tzuyu: So...sorry...

Taehyung: Ye...yeah...sorry

Bang PD: Nevermind...but from now on, you two have to be more careful in public, we can't cause any more rumours about you two. Also, you two are lucky that this gossip magazine isn't that popular, the rumours didn't spread far because of that, but who knows, maybe next time you won't be that lucky, so please be careful...

JYP: We aren't going to do anything this time cause it's not that big of a deal and it didn't spread far, but if you two cause another rumour again, we will have to cancel your future projects together and maybe even break you guys up, so please do be more careful...

Me and Tzuyu just awkwardly nodded our head

Bang PD: Well, that's it for today... Also I want to inform you guys that we have already went through your song, so please come tomorrow for your recording

Taehyung: Of course

Tzuyu: Gamsahmnida

We both awkwardly went out of the office, still shocked by what just happened

Tzuyu: Wow... couldn't believe that they found us, I didn't even suspected there would be paparazzi

Taehyung: Yeah, me too... We really should be more careful *Chuckles*

Tzuyu's POV:

Just then, my phone vibrated, just to see a text from "unkown" again

What's this guy playing at? I'm really starting to get creeped out now

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What's this guy playing at? I'm really starting to get creeped out now...

Taehyung: Who's that?

Taehyung attempts to take a peek at my phone. I would show it to him but I don't want him to worry, considering he already helped me so much yesterday, I don't want to trouble him again. I quickly shut down my phone and stuffed it in my bag pretending nothing happened

Tzuyu: No one...just...just my mum...

Taehyung: You sure you alright? You looked like you've just see a ghost

Tzuyu: No, I'm fine...

Taehyung looked at my with a suspicious look, I knew he didn't buy it but he also didn't force me into telling him. That's what I love about him...

Taehyung: If you say so. Anyways, do you wanna go for coffee?

Tzuyu: Sure, lets go

Taehyung's POV:

We ended up going to the coffee shop Tzuyu always went to with Jungkook (Also the one where she caught Jungkook and Sana) I suggested going to a different one but she insisted on going to that one

Tzuyu: Even though I don't have the best memories here, I love this coffee shop still as it is. Also we can always make new and better memories here *Wink*

Gosh did she just winked at me? You sure know how to tease me Tzuyu...

We were just chilling and enjoying coffee when two figures appeared at the doorway

Sana and Jungkook!!

A/N: Sorry for the weird POV change in this😂
I just want to show the text that Tzuyu got😅

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