Chapter 73

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A/N: "WHAT IS LOVE" is finally out!😱
It's seriously so freaking good, check it out guys!
BTW, Tzuyu and Sana slayed it in this MV😍

Tzuyu's POV:

The next day

Taehyung: Babe...

I woke up to Taehyung planting soft kisses on my cheek

Tzuyu: Good morning Taetae

Taehyung: Do you know what time it is?

Tzuyu: I don't know, 10:00am?

Taehyung: You wish, it's 1:00pm now

Tzuyu: WHAT??

I immediately sat up in bed and took a look at the clock on my bedside table, and indeed it was 1:00pm. Taehyung just started laughing at me

Tzuyu: Why didn't you wake me up?

Taehyung: You looked peaceful asleep

Tzuyu: You always say that...

I stood up and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for the day

Taehyung: That's the truth Tzu!!

Taehyung's POV:

As soon as Tzuyu went in the bathroom, I immediately took out my phone and dialed Jungkook's number

Jungkook: Yooo Taeeee

Taehyung: Hey, is Sana with you?

Sana: Yup, here, it's on speaker

Taehyung: Great, I got it...

Jungkook: You mean the-

Taehyung: Yup that, can't say it out loud, Tzu's here

Sana: Ah I get it, well then why are you calling us?

Taehyung: I don't know...I'm scared guys...

Jungkook: Why are you scared? There's NOTHING to worry about...

Sana: Yeah, just go with the plan, then you'll be fine

Taehyung: Actually, I'm thinking of changing the plan...

Jungkook: What?? But aren't you gonna do it tonight?

Taehyung: Yeah, but I got it under control, everything's planned already. Lucky that Tzuyu just woke up *Chuckles*

Sana: What? She JUST woke up?

Taehyung: Yuppp...anyways, I don't know guys, I'm still hesitating, what if it all doesn't go to plan?

Jungkook: Hyung, trust me it will

Sana: I think so too

Taehyung: Alright...well okay...I need to go now. Call you guys afterwards

Jungkook: Buh bye

Sana: Byeeee

Taehyung: Don't have TOO much fun you two...BYEEEE

Jungkook: What...AISH TAEHY-

I laughed as I hung up the phone. The bathroom door then opened and Tzuyu came out

Tzuyu: Who was that?

Taehyung: No one, just one of my friend

Tzuyu:, what are we doing today? I showed you around yesterday, so have you got something planned for me today?

Taehyung: As a matter of fact, yes, but as you woke up so late, why don't we go out tonight and stay in for the afternoon?

Tzuyu: Sure, let's watch a drama together!! There's been one I've been longing to watch, it's called "Descendants of The Sun". People say it's amazing apparently...

Taehyung: Seriously? You haven't watched it before? It's been dropped like years ago

Tzuyu: Hey, I've been busy...and Kim Taehyung, don't tell me you've watched it before *Smirks*

Taehyung: Maybe...maybe not...well, you haven't watched it before so let's watch it!!

I quickly went to the TV and turned it on, as Tzuyu just laughed at me from behind

Tzuyu's POV:

Me and Tae spent the whole afternoon watching "Descendants of The Sun". It was amazing, and the male actor Song Joong Ki was so handsome!!! Not as handsome as Taehyung though...

But as we were watching, I found that Taehyung kind of distracted and wasn't focusing on the drama. Instead, he was thinking of something else, and it was clearly bothering him

Tzuyu: Tae?

No response...I waved my hand in front of his face, bringing him back to world

Taehyung: Huh?

Tzuyu: You look stressed, is something bothering you?

Taehyung: Nah no...

Tzuyu: Really? You can talk to me you know?

Taehyung: No, seriously, nothing

Taehyung then stood up and turned the TV off

Tzuyu: What?? Hey!! I was enjoying looking at Song Joong Ki!!!

Taehyung: Look at me instead, I'm much more handsome *Smirks*

Taehyung then stood in front of the TV and started showing off his "muscles"

Tzuyu: Oh back off, you wish now *Laughs*

Taehyung: Hmpff *Pouts*

I stood up from the bed as well and took a look at the clock

Tzuyu: It's 6:00pm already, shall we go out now?

Taehyung: Sure, I'll go change, you should too

Taehyung then hands me a box

Tzuyu: What is this?

Taehyung: A dress, wear it now *Winks*

Taehyung then went out of the room leaving me alone in the room with the box. I opened it up carefully and inside was a beautiful white dress, and it was the latest one from Gucci too, my favourite brand

I put it on and it fits perfectly, I got my bags and stuff and went down to the living room as my mum approached me

Ms Chou: Have fun sweetie

Mr Chou: I want you to return home with a bright smile, okay?

Tzuyu: Of course daddy

Ms Chou: Now quick, go! Taehyung's waiting for you outside

Tzuyu: Okayy

My mum then pushed me out the door with a bright smile on her face. I turned around and oh my god...

Kim freaking Taehyung...

Standing there handsome as ever...

Taehyung: You look beautiful Tzu, absolutely stunning...

Tzuyu: Y-you as well...

Taehyung: Let's go now shall we?

Tzuyu: Yes...

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