Chapter 28

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Taehyung's POV:

I can't explain how I'm feeling right now...





Emotions are mixing up inside me now, Tzuyu just told me about what happened with her in the past. I'm so happy that she chose to tell me, but very angry at the same time of what Mingyu did to her

Seriously... how can anyone do that to this angel in front of me? I mean she is the literal definition of PERFECT!! Seeing her cry like this hurts me so much. I can't explain it, but when someone you love and care for so much is this hurt in front of you, you can't help but feel heartbroken too

I hugged her while she cried and tried to whisper in her ear to calm her down, I told her how beautiful she is, how talented, how amazing and how PERFECT she actually is

Cause that's the truth...

Like seriously, how can someone do this to her??

Tzuyu calmed down a bit after a while and kissed my cheek

Like FREAKING kissed my cheek!!

I think I might faint...

Tzuyu: Thanks so much Tae...

Taehyung: *Smiles* For what?

Tzuyu: Everything... being here for me, being my shoulder to lean on, caring for me, comforting me... that's something I've never thought a boy would do for me

Taehyung: Oh trust me babe, you deserve it...


Did I say


Taehyung: I...I mean Tzuyu...

My face is a tomato again...

A BRIGHT red tomato...

Tzuyu giggles and just looks at me

I can't help but just stare in her eyes...

Her eyes are just so pretty, I can just stare at them forever...


Taehyung: *Laughs* Looks like someone is hungry...

Tzuyu: Yeah... I haven't eaten anything today...

Taehyung: Wait... for real?

Tzuyu: Yeah, just didn't have the appetite

Taehyung: Well then let's go out and get something to eat

I stand up and start to head for the door, but then Tzuyu pulls me back and smirks

Tzuyu: You don't think I'm going out like this right?

Taehyung: Whats wrong with your look? I think you look beautiful...

Tzuyu: *Giggles* Well for one, I don't have any makeup, my eyes are swollen and I'm in my pyjamas... Also don't forget about the paparazzi...

Taehyung: I guess you do have a point, but only about the paparazzi part. You'll still be the most beautiful girl in the world if you go out looking like this...

Tzuyu: *Laughs* Yeah, I wish

Oh, you don't have to...

It's the truth...

She put on some makeup and tidied herself up, then we went to a restaurant and sat down to eat

Taehyung: Sooo... did Jungkook call you after the incident

Tzuyu: Yeah, he called me A LOT, but I didn't answer it, I didn't want to hear his excuse, at least not yet, it'll just be sh*t as always...

Taehyung: *Deep breath* Yes, it may be sh*t, but it may won't be as well...... I've known Jungkook for years now, and I don't think he'll do this without any explanation. I mean yes, he made a mistake, a big one as well, but I think you should hear him out... Who knows, maybe it'll go well and you two will have some closure? And if it doesn't, I'll help you slap the sh*t outta him

Tzuyu: *Faintly smiles* I know, but... I'm just scared that the past will relive itself...

Taehyung: Oh trust me, Jungkook is not that kind of person... I mean, yes he makes mistakes, but I'm 100% sure he wouldn't do that. I think he really has an explanation to all of this, it may won't be good but at least you get to hear him out and hear his side of the story

Tzuyu: You're right... but I can't do this alone

Taehyung: Who says you have to? I'll be by you side, and we'll do this together. From now on, whatever problem you face, we'll face it together, cause I'll be by your side no matter what, trust me on that...

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