Chapter 34

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Taehyung's POV:

Oh no... was that too soon?

What have I done? Of course she won't feel the same, of course she would freak out, she just broke up with Jungkook!! What was I thinking?

All I know now is that I have to go after her

I ran and ran, I went to all the places that she could hide, I knew this park well so I think I could manage to find her

After what seemed like 20 minutes of searching for her, I finally found her sitting on a bench, staring at the cherry blossom tree in front of her. She seemed deep in thought, so I just sat down next to her quietly, she didn't move at my presence, she just continued to stare at the tree

After a few minutes, she finally spoke

Tzuyu: Life is weird huh? One moment you are crying uncontrollably about your ex, and the other, you are holding hands with a guy and feeling feelings that you've never felt before...

She paused for a second before continuing

Tzuyu: Describe your love for me...

Taehyung: What?

Tzuyu: Describe your love for me

Taehyung: Ok... My love for you... It's something special and warm... It gives me a warm comfort and it's the sunshine to the darkest of days. It makes everything so much better, every song sounds sweeter and everything tastes better. It makes me feel like I can conquer everything in the world...and every time I'm with you, the feeling just grows stronger and stronger. It just feels like my heart will explode any second now. My love for you is beyond words, I love you so much that it hurts so bad Tzu...

Tzuyu was silent after that, I glanced at her and she had closed her eyes, it seems like she is deep in thought again

Tzuyu: Tae, am I in love with you too? Is this true love?

After what seemed like forever, she finally spoke and that was what she said...

I was frozen at the spot... I didn't know what to say

Tzuyu: What you just said...I felt the same...Maybe even more?

She stopped for a while and faced me

Tzuyu: Tae...whenever I'm with you, it really feels like I can do anything, whenever you're with me, I feel safe, it's like you're my superman, you're there for me whenever I needed you the most and you never fail to disappoint me in anything. Your flaws, perfections, I see them all... and I love them so much... everything about you just intrigues me more and more. It also makes me want you more and more. This isn't the love I felt with Mingyu... I think...I really think this is what true love feels like...

I didn't hesitate. I went in.

My lips approached hers and she returned the kiss back. It wasn't a simple kiss, it was a full on make out session. I've never knew how much I needed this until I've finally experienced it.

It just makes me want more...

But not now, I pulled away after a while and she just looked at me

Tzuyu: Tae, tell me... Is this wrong? Moving on so quick?

I paused and took a deep breath

Taehyung: Tell me Tzu, how long have you and Jungkook been together?

Tzuyu: Umm... maybe a month?

Taehyung: Were you in love with him? Or was it just a crush?

Tzuyu: It was just a crush, because now I've finally realised that my heart lies with you

I blushed at her words

Taehyung: No Tzu... It's not wrong at all, I really don't think it is...

I paused for a second before continuing

Taehyung: Although there's something I want to ask you...were...were you only crying so much because it reminded you of Mingyu?

Tzuyu: ...Yeah...the hurt and pain came back to me and it just struck me...

I took a deep breath, I knew I had to ask her this, but I don't know if I want to know the answer...

Taehyung: Tzu, be honest with me... do you still like Mingyu?

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now