Chapter 68

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Tzuyu's POV:

Tzuyu: TAE???

Taehyung: Surprised to see me? *Chuckles*

Tzuyu: Wh-what? How? Wait...what is going on?

Taehyung laughs at me as he squishes my cheeks

Taehyung: You're cute...and open the bag

I jokingly slapped his hands away from my face and carefully opened the bag Sana gave me

Tzuyu: Clothes?? MY clothes??

Taehyung: Yuupp...

Tzuyu: And do know we're in JYP nim's office right??

Taehyung: Oh don't worry...JYP nim's in on this

Tzuyu: In on what??

Taehyung: You ask too much questions *Pouts*

I was about to say something when Taehyung took my hand and rushed me out the studio and to his car

Tzuyu: Waaiitt...what's going on??? I'm so confused...

Taehyung started the car and smirked at me through the rear view mirror

Taehyung: It's a surprise...

Tzuyu: 你真的瘋了...

(Translate: You're crazy)

Taehyung: I don't understand Chinese, but I know for sure that that's not a compliment...

Tzuyu: is... *Smirks*

Taehyung pouts cutely at me again as he drove the car. I took a look at my bag full of clothes again and tried to guess where we were going

Taehyung: Stop guessing and just'll know when we get there

Tzuyu: Fineee...

We joked (flirted) with each other the whole ride there. It felt so good to be with Tae again...whenever I'm with him, I feel more alive and it feels like we can just conquer anything in the world. No one has ever made me feel this way before...only Tae...

Taehyung: Sooo, we're here

Tzuyu: The airport??

Taehyung: Yup, our flight's soon, so get your cute butt moving

Tzuyu: Out flight? Wha-

Tae put his hand over my mouth and gave me a black mask and glasses to put on, then pulled me out the car into the airport

Tzuyu: Taeee

Taehyung: don't want to let paparazzi find you right?

Tzuyu: *Whisper* What's going on? Are we leaving Korea?

Taehyung nodded his head then winked at me as he made a call with some guy...this guy sure is full of surprises...

Taehyung ended a call after a while and took my hand as he rushed me somewhere

Tzuyu: Where are we going NOW? And why is there so much rushing

Taehyung: Sorry, I'm just excited

Taehyung slowed down a bit, still holding my hand and let me to the airfield as I saw a huge private jet in front of us

Taehyung: After you baby...

Tzuyu: Wait...we're traveling in this??

Taehyung: Yup, this is a private jet of one of my close friends, and he borrowed it to us just for me to take you on this trip

Tzuyu: Wow...that's...amazing...I've never flew in a private jet before

Taehyung: And now you're going to, come on, let's get on!!

We got on the jet and it was looked so beautiful...and definitely very different from other airplanes

We settled down and the jet took off, taking us to...who knows where?!

Tzuyu: So, are you gonna tell me where we are going now?

Taehyung:'ll know when we get there

Tzuyu: *Sigh* Then are you at least gonna tell me how long we're gonna be gone for?

Taehyung: A whole week

Tzuyu: A week?? The members AND JYP nim aren't gonna be happy that I'm gone for so long...our comeback is later this week you know?

Taehyung looked at me with disappointed eyes and pouted cutely at me

I swear...this guy pouts way too much...well, not that I'm complaining cause he does look cute

Taehyung: Are you not happy traveling with me? I just want to give you a break...

Tzuyu: What?? No!!!

I went over to Tae's seat and hugged him tightly as I put my head on his shoulder and gave him a peck on his neck

Tzuyu: I'm sorry Tae...I'm just stressed...but you're right...I do need to rest, and I appreciate it a lot that you're taking me to...well...wherever we are going right now

Taehyung laughed as he squeezed my cheeks

Taehyung: It's okay...and JYP nim knows about this along with your other members...they are super in for this and JYP nim even helped me organise don't you worry. Also about your comeback, you'll be back just in time, so don't stress about it

I smiled back at Taehyung as he gave me his signature box smile...he's so cute that I'm gonna die of his cuteness any day now...

And now that Mingyu is gone, we can finally go back to the days where me and Tae were so happily together, where nothing matters cause we can conquer anything till the end of the world

I love you Kim Taehyung❤️

Taehyung's POV:

I love you Chou Tzuyu❤️

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