Chapter 38

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Tzuyu's POV:

Sana and Jungkook just walked in holding hands!!

Not that it bothers me anymore, but it's just weird seeing them together

Taehyung: *Whispers* Jungkook and Sana just walked in

Tzuyu: *Whispers* I know, do you think they see us?

We are sitting on the table in the far left corner so it's hard to spot us

Taehyung just slightly shook his head, not really sure

For a brief moment, I actually thought of calling them over, but it still feels weird and maybe too soon?

I looked towards their direction and saw them already leaving, thank god they aren't sitting down to eat

While they were leaving, Sana suddenly turned around and made eye contact with me for a brief second, she quickly turned away but that didn't prevent me from seeing the huge smile plastered on her face

What was that about??

Taehyung: Did you see that?

Tzuyu: Yeah, Sana just looked at us

Taehyung: I think she spotted us here all along but just didn't want to interfere

Tzuyu: Yeah, I think so too

But what's with the huge smile though? Has she found out about me and Tae?


We finished our lunch shortly after and Taehyung walked me back to my dorm

Such a gentleman...

What have I done to deserve him?

Sana's POV:

Back to the start of the day

"Bzz bzz"

Sana: Who's that so early in the morning?

I rolled off my bed still half asleep and found a text from Jungkook

I rolled off my bed still half asleep and found a text from Jungkook

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I immediately snapped awake, is he asking me on a date?

I decided to tease him a little...

He's coming in 30 minutes and I'm not even ready one bit!

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He's coming in 30 minutes and I'm not even ready one bit!

I practically flew out of bed and ran into the bathroom, Momo is in there taking a shower but I didn't care, I need to get ready NOW!!

Momo: Hey!! What's the commotion?? Why are you in here Sana? I'm practically naked here

Sana: Sorry, I'm in a hurry, got a date in literally 30 minutes

Momo: Ah... I understand, well feel free to use the bathroom, it's not like I'm here standing naked or something...

Sana: Thanks unnie!!

I brushed my teeth and put on my makeup which took 20 minutes, and used the rest of my time picking out my outfit... I hope Jungkook is late...

"Ding dong"

Just in time, I grabbed my purse, put on my heels then opened the door, I hope I don't look like a mess now...


Sana: Do I look good? I literally JUST finished getting ready *Pants*

Jungkook: I can see that, you're panting so much *Chuckles* but no, you look absolutely amazing...

What are you doing to me Jungkookie??

Jungkook: Soooo, lets go

We walked around the city for a while, both just chatting away. We both wore masks and sunglasses so no fans or paparazzis can spot us

We then decided that we are hungry and went to a coffee shop to get some food

More specifically, the cafe we kissed in...

We went in and headed to the counter, while Jungkook is buying the food, I scanned the cafe and saw two people whispering in the corner

I took a closer look and it was Tzuyu and Taehyung?!

Should I go over?

No, it'll be too awkward with me being with Jungkook and her being with Taehyung...

Jungkook finished getting the food and we left. While we're at the door, I decided to turn around just one last time and saw Tzuyu looking at me, I quickly turned away but a smile crept up on my face

I knew it...she's dating Taehyung...

And I'm happy for her, I hope she finally found the right guy...

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