Chapter 50

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Taehyung's POV:

"BREAKING NEWS—Twice Chou Tzuyu confirms to be dating ex"

So it's true...

It's true...

They really got back together...

Tears once again started to pour down my eyes. I sat there in my room looking down at my phone crying, why has my life come to this?

She even announced their relationship to the public while she said not to announce ours...

She really is in love with him......what am I even to her? Did she ever even love me? Or is it just bullsh*t?

Jimin suddenly barged into my room panting

Jimin: You saw the news didn't you?

I couldn't do anything but to just slightly nod my head

He took a seat by my bed and just looked down at the magazine he was holding

Jimin: Something just doesn't add up here...why would she do this? She has been through the same thing, so sure enough she wouldn't cheat on you right?

I don't know why but anger suddenly raged in

Taehyung: JUST ACCEPT IT!! She cheated on me!! What doesn't add up?? SHE CHEATED ON ME WITH HER EX!! That's what happened!! They even CONFIRMED and ANNOUNCED it...just...just accept the truth...

Jimin looked at me and took a deep breath then slightly nodded his head

Jimin: I'll give you some space now

Taehyung: That may be best...

Jimin then left the room and left me alone with my tears...

It hurts...

So freaking much...

Tzuyu's POV:

I hate this...

I hate to have to date this horrible excuse for a man

And I hated even more that THE PUBLIC has to know...

My heart ached so bad...

I know I don't have to date him, but then he'll tell the public about me and Tae

Ruining my career is one thing, ruining his is the other. He has come too far to be in the position he's in today and I'll hate myself my whole life if I ruined it for him

Also, who freaking KNOWS what Mingyu will do if I reject him...from what I know...he's too powerful and I won't take any risks

Especially a risk if it involves hurting Tae...

I love him so much...and I feel terrible of what he should be feeling much as I freaking HATE this...I have no choice...

Sana: TZUYU!! Someone is here to see you!!

Must be Mingyu...

Tzuyu: WHO'S IT?

Sana: He SAYS he's your boyfriend?

Ugh!! It's really him...

Tzuyu: Send him in...

I sat there for a while until I heard the doorknob to my room turn

Mingyu: Now there's my BB

Tzuyu: I am NOT your bb!! And will never be!!

Mingyu suddenly looked at me with fierce eyes and slammed the door close

Mingyu: You WILL be if you want you and your little Taehyung to keep your career

He's much as I don't want to...I have to pretend to be her girlfriend...I need to act cute with him...act as if I really love him...or else Tae's career is over...

Tzuyu: You're right...I'm sorry baby

Augh!! I want to throw up saying that...

I looked down and touched the necklace Tae gave me...remember...this is all for Tae...

Mingyu smiled and sat at the edge of my bed

Mingyu: That's more like it *Smirks*

Help me GOD!! I feel sick doing all hurts so bad...

The door suddenly opened then Sana appeared

Sana: Is everything alright here?

Mingyu: Of course, me and my GIRLFRIEND were just having fun *Smirks*

I forced a smile as I looked at the floor, avoiding eye contact with Sana

Sana: Okaaay...Tzuyu, is that right? Is he your boyfriend?

Tzuyu: *Mumbles* Yes...

Sana then looked at Mingyu suspiciously

Sana: What's your name?

Mingyu: Why...shouldn't you know me? I'm Tzuyu's beloved ex

Sana: MINGYU??

Mingyu: Well, looks like I'm famous

Sana had a shocked expression on her face while she looked at me in shock. She is one of the people, along with Momo, that knows how much I hate Mingyu and what happened during high school so I couldn't imagine what she's thinking right now

Mingyu: Welp, I have to go now, see you two

Mingyu left the room with a smirk on his face and winked at me right after he left the room as in a reminder for what will happen if everything comes out

Sana approached me as she closed the door

I'm not ready to face her...

A/N: Hey guys❤️ So I have a question for you all...this story is going to have a special character later on and I'm having trouble deciding who it is😅

So guys help me out and tell me if this "special character" should be Jun or Vernon💞

Also try and guess who this character is😏😂 Thanks guys😍😍

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