Chapter 25

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Taehyung's POV:

One week has passed and I haven't seen Tzuyu once

I'm actually really starting to miss her, we've both been busy with our own music that we haven't had time to see each other

Also, I've noticed that Jungkook have been acting really weird recently, he often locks himself in his dorm room and rarely attends our dance practice anymore. I've actually asked him what's wrong but he just says that he has a lot in mind...

I wonder...

I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Tzuyu's number

I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Tzuyu's number

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" number you've dialed is not available right now..."

Really?? She's not answering the phone? That's not like her at all...

Did something happened with her and Jungkook?

Taehyung: Hey guys, I'm going somewhere, I'll be back in a while

Jin: Sure but be back quickly, we have to work on our album

Taehyung: Of course

I quickly grabbed my coat and got into my car, heading to the direction of their studio cause I know they are going to be working on their new song

I pulled up outside and was thinking of how I'm going to go in when Jeongyeon came out

Jeongyeon: Hey.. Taehyung right?

Taehyung: Yeah...

Jeongyeon: *Smiles* What're you doing here?

Taehyung: Actually, I'm here to look for Tzuyu...

Her smile quickly disappeared as I said that, something definitely happened to her and I'm HELLA worried

Jeongyeon: Tzu...Tzuyu's not here...

Taehyung: Can you tell me where she is? I...I have to talk to her about our song

I can't tell her I'm looking for Tzuyu because I think something happened to her, she wouldn't tell me where she is otherwise...

Jeongyeon: I don't think she's in the BEST condition to work right now

Taehyung: Please? It's an emergency and it won't take long

Jeongyeon: Look, something happened to her and I don't know if she will want to see you

I knew it...

Taehyung: Actually... I think I already knew what happened. To be honest, I'm not actually finding her because of our new song, I'm worried... Jungkook has been acting weird recently and Tzuyu's not answering phone calls so I know something is definitely up. Please tell me where she is!! I wanna be there for her, be her friend and comfort her...

Jeongyeon's facial expression slowly changed after I said that, her annoyed look slowly turned into a smirk

Jeongyeon: Just to be her friend??

Taehyung: Ye...yeah, of course

Jeongyeon: Alright, I'll tell you where she is, but you have to promise me not to hurt her and really comfort her, she's going through a tough time and I'm sure she really needs you right now...


For real??

Jeongyeon: Tzuyu's in her dorm right now, resting *Scribbles on a piece of paper* Here's the address of our dorm, you should go now in case she goes out later

Taehyung: Thanks so much, I promise you I'll do my best to comfort her, I really do care for her you know...

And I'm also head over heels in love with her...

But she doesn't need to know that...

Jeongyeon: I'm sure you do, I have to go back in now, bye Taehyung

Taehyung: Bye...

Now onto Twice's dorm I go...

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