Chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV:

A week later, at the studio

The last week has been AMAZING!!

After Tzuyu accepted the project, we started to write a song right away. We plan on releasing a single first, and if it becomes a big hit, then we will write an album together!!

It all just sounds sooooo exciting, we are at the studio now working on our new single, we decided to revolve around the subject: love, cause it's the best right?

Tzuyu: Finally!! We've finished working on the melody, now we just need to write the lyrics

Taehyung: I have a few ideas... How about this...

🎵I love you but I can't be with you
I love you but you never knew
Now you're gone, now I'm broken
Come to me baby, I need you🎵 

Tzuyu: Wow! That's good, so deep at the same time... Did you have to experience that?

Taehyung: Yeah...

Well, I'm experiencing it now Tzuyu......

Tzuyu: Let's turn that into the chorus, this is gonna be a big hit, that's for sure!! *Phone rings* Oh, it's Kookie... better take this, I'll be back in a sec...

Kookie... that nickname for him still bothers me......

Tzuyu has been gone for a while now. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but I just can't help it!! My curiosity is KILLING me!!

Tzuyu: The date can wait, it can happen right after we've finished the song...... Come on babe! Next time alright?? The date can wait......

So Tzuyu declined a date with Jungkook to work with me?? My heart is beating so fast right now......

But it's no big deal right? She probably just wants to finish the job quickly, like she said......

Tzuyu's POV:

We were in the middle of writing the lyrics when I received a call from Jungkook

Tzuyu: Hello? Jungkook?

Jungkook: Hey baby, I've missed you, what are you doing right now?

Tzuyu: Aw... I've missed you too, I'm working on our new song right now

Jungkook: Oh... with Taehyung?

Tzuyu: Yeah... of course...

After that, there was silence on the other end, I knew he was jealous cause I'm working with Taehyung... but hey, he's my partner on this project, we HAVE to work together...

Tzuyu: Kookie?

Jungkook: Nevermind that... Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date today?

Tzuyu: Today?? Can we make it another day? We are almost finished on our new song and I want to finish it first, so I don't think today can do...

Jungkook: Really?? You are choosing him over me again??

I can hear that he is getting angry now... but I just want to finish the song first......

Tzuyu: Kookie... I'm not choosing anyone here... I just want to finish the song and we are almost done!!

Jungkook: Yeah, sure of course, great excuse...

I'm not making an excuse, I'm not choosing anyone here...... am I?

Tzuyu: Come on babe, next time alright??
The date can wait, it can happen right after we've finished the song

Jungkook: You never seem to have time for me now!! What happened to always being there for each other no matter what??

Yeah, that was a promise I made Jungkook when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was certain that I could do it then, but now......

Tzuyu: Please baby? I'm sorry but...... we are working on the song now and we really are almost done...

Jungkook: *Sigh* Fine... next time baby...

Tzuyu: Thanks, I need to go now, bye baby

Jungkook: Bye...

Is that really the reason why I rejected him? Or is there something more?

I don't even know now

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now