Chapter 23

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Sana's POV:

I went into the coffee shop and saw Jungkook with a SUPER nervous look on his face

It was as if he would pee his pants any second now!!

Now I'm scared...

I went to his table and he jumped a little when he saw me, I guess he was lost in his thoughts just now...

Sana: Hey Kookie, what's up?

Jungkook: S...Sana!! *Drums fingers on table* Hey!! How ya' doin??

Yeah, he is definitely SUPER nervous

Sana: I'm fine, why did you call me here? Is it about Tzuyu again??

Jungkook: No... I mean kind of... I actually went on a date with her yesterday and we kind of worked everything out......

Wait she went on a date with Tzuyu yesterday? And they even worked everything out?


That means they are in good terms now...

Then why did Jungkook called me, did he only want to chat?

Sana: That's great Jungkook!! *Mumbles* I'm glad...

Jungkook: You don't have to be...

Sana: Huh?!

Jungkook: You're jealous...

Sh*t... Is it that obvious??

My face starts to heat up...

Sana: Nooooo, I'm not, *Mumbles* I'm glad you two are in good terms now...

Jungkook: Don't hide your jealousy, I can see it clearly in your eyes

Sana: *Deep breath* Okey... I'm jealous ok? You know I like you, but what does that do?? You're with TZUYU!! MY BEST FRIEND!! My feelings are blind to you!!

Jungkook's eyes darted away from me as if he is scared to look me in the eyes anymore...

Jungkook: No, they're not blind to me!! And guess what? I like you too!!

What?? H...he likes me too??? What about HIS GIRLFRIEND?!?!

I mean... not that I'm not happy... I can feel my face heat up even more and slowly turning into a tomato...

Sana: Did you just

Jungkook: Yes Sana!! I like you!! I like you soooo much!! I can't stop thinking about you, you're in my mind every single day!! Even when I was going on a date with Tzuyu last night...

What did he just say??? He likes me?? For real?? Is this the moment I've been waiting for my whole life??

I'm speechless...

Jungkook: I can't help my feelings for you Sana!! You... you make me feel a happiness inside nobody can, you fill up the void in my heart and make me feel like I'm the luckiest man on earth when I'm with you!! That's a feeling nobody has EVER given me!! Not my friends, not Tzuyu... I want... scratch that... I NEED to be with you Sana!! Accept me... please... I...I love you...

I honestly don't know what to say...

The man I've been loving for sooooo long is now here in front of me, BEGGING me to be with him!!

This scenario is something I've been imagining for years...

Never in my life would I think it would EVER happen...

Sana: Kookie... I love you too!! I have been for YEARS now, you don't know how much I want to be with you, but what about Tzuyu?? You're still with her right?!?!

Jungkook: I promise you, I'll end it with her as soon as possible, for now just accept me... do you want me? Do you want to be with me?

Sana: Y...yes...


He kissed me,

On the lips,

For real this time!!

And wow...

It was amazing,

His soft and warm lips on mine,

It was like they were made for me...


Tzuyu: *Sobs* How can you do this to me?? I HATE YOU JUNGKOOK!! I HATE YOU!!

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now