Chapter 30

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Taehyung's POV:

Tzuyu ran out of our dorm...

She can't take it anymore, so she ran away

And me? I don't know why, tears just flew down my face...

It's hard... it's hard to see the person you love so much break down like this in front of you

The tears I've been holding in the whole day, the whole time while she told me about her past, I just can't hold it in anymore... My Tzuyu, breaking like this...


I can't control my anger anymore, the anger I've been building up this whole time just exploded

I raised my hand and slapped Jungkook right across the face, hard. I know I'll probably regret this later, but this is for Tzuyu...

Jungkook just stays there with a blank expression on his face

Jungkook: I'm sorry Tzuyu...

Rapmon: *Runs out* What happened here? Are you crying Taehyung??

Taehyung: Ask Jungkook here

I quickly ran out to find Tzuyu standing on the street crying

I ran towards her and held her face, I wiped her tears with my thumb while attempting to sniff back my tears at the same time

Taehyung: Chou Tzuyu...

I leaned in a bit, I don't know why but I suddenly feel the urge to kiss her...

No, I shouldn't do this... she just broke up with her boyfriend, I quickly backed away but she grabbed my head and smashed her lips on mine

I think my heart just skipped a beat...

Her soft lips, now on mine...

Wow... just wow

We kissed for only a brief second until she pulled away

Tzuyu: Sorry... I don't know what came over me...I...I just...It's just...

Taehyung:, it's alright

I then looked at her and smiled goofily to cover the awkwardness between us

Tzuyu: *Laughs* Taehyungie YOU pabo


Tzuyu: Tae, I want to go find Sana now, I wanna talk to her

Taehyung: Of course Tzu, do you want me to come with you?

Tzuyu: Of course, I won't even do it if you're not with me *Smiles*

That smile...

Taehyung: Yeah, I did promise you to always stay by your side *Laughs* Now let's go...

Tzuyu then led me to their studio which is actually not far from our dorm, only a 15 min walk

We arrived and saw Jeongyeon and Nayeon standing outside talking, they turned to us when we arrived

Jeongyeon looked at us and smirked, Nayeon just there with her mouth open in shock

Jeongyeon: Seems that you kept your promise Taehyung... You're even holding hands now *Laughs*

I looked down and sure enough we were holding hands, I wasn't even aware of that...My face is getting hot...

Tzuyu: Promise? What promise?

Jeongyeon: I gave him our address and asked him to promise not to hurt you or urge you to say anything if you didn't want to

Tzuyu: Oh trust me, he didn't, he helped me...a lot...

Nayeon: Wait!! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Promise? And he knows our address now? Also Tzuyu finally left the dorm??

Jeongyeon: *Face palm* Ugh, I'll tell you everything later... For now, what are you two doing here?

Taehyung: Well, we ar-

Tzuyu: We are looking for Sana...

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