Chapter 54

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Jimin's POV:

Taehyung that pabo...where is he?? Is he drinking again??

I went towards the bar to see if Taehyung was there. In my surprise, he wasn't...where is he?

I continued to wander off looking for him and yelling his name...until I found him near the exit talking to a girl

I went closer to take a look while making sure they don't see me. That girl looks familiar...


Is that...TZUYU??

What is she doing here? Who is she here with? Most importantly, they are talking!!

I walked a bit closer so I could hear what they are saying, but made sure they didn't see me

Taehyung: don't looooveee me anymoore... *hic*

Oh Taehyung drunk??

Tzuyu: Taehyung ah...look at me

Tzuyu grabbed Taehyung's head and faced it towards her. I immediately took my phone out and started to record what was happening. I knew Taehyung was drunk, like REALLY drunk, so he for sure won't remember it when he wakes up the next morning, so I thought I'd record what happened to him

Tzuyu: Taehyung, I still love you, and please know that I'm doing this because I love you

OMO!! Am I actually hearing this right??

I actually almost dropped my phone as I stumbled back a bit. I took a deep breath and stepped even more closer to them than before, catching everything on record

Tzuyu: I love you so much much that it hurts...I won't even leave you if......if this didn't happened... I'm so sorry Tae...but it's for your own good...

Taehyung then started...crying??

Taehyung: I'm huuurt... *hic* I need Tzuyuuuu. I love Tzuyu... I hate Mingyuuu. What's so *hic* good about him?? He hurted her...he hurted my Tzuyuu... I'm so hurt *hic*

Tzuyu then also started crying...they were both hurt...really REALLY hurt... They lost each other, they lost the love between them, and it was also then I was sure that Tzuyu didn't cheat on Taehyung... There was no way after what I just witnessed and caught on tape. Something must've driven her to break up with Tae...something bad...

I stopped the recording as I put the phone in my pocket and yelled out Taehyung's name

Jimin: Taehyung

I felt bad for ruining their little reunion, but it was just gonna end bad if it continued, also who knows if Mingyu, her ex, was there?

Tzuyu looked panicked after he heard Taehyung's name, he quickly gave a kiss on Taehyung's cheeks and whispered something in his ear before she ran away

I approached Taehyung and saw him still crying. I felt really sad as I looked at his broken self...poor Taehyung...Tzuyu too...

What happened??

Jimin: Tae...lets get you home...

Taehyung: I don't wanna...I want *Hic* Tzuyu...

Jimin: *Deep breath* I know...but you guys will work things out eventually...I just know it...for now you need to go home...

Taehyung just weakly nodded at me as I called for Jungkook

Jimin: JUNGKOOK!! Time to go!!

Jungkook: ALREADY?? I was just staring to have fun *Pouts*


Jungkook: Fine...guess no one can let me have fun...

Jimin: Sana can...I'm sure she'll love 'having fun' with you *Smirks*

Jungkook didn't say anything afterwards but blushed fiercely as he followed me and Taehyung closely behind

Jimin: That's more like it *Laughs*

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