Chapter 55

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Taehyung's POV:

I woke up to a painful sensation in the back of my head

Taehyung: UGH!! I hate this!!

What happened last night? All I remember is me, Jungkook and Jimin going to a club together, then the rest is a blur...

Jimin suddenly charged into my room and yelled


Taehyung: AGHH!! STOP SHOUTING!! My head hurts...

Jimin: Oh...right...sorry. Here, I got you some pills and a glass of water, it'll make you feel better about the hangover

I popped two pills in my mouth and washed it down with water. My head still feels as bad...

Taehyung: What happened last night? How much did I had to drink? My head feels like it's gonna explode any second now

Jimin took a seat on my bed and looked at the floor

Jimin: drank a A LOT!! Me and Jungkook tried to stop you but you didn't listen...we're sorry...

Taehyung: Nah, it's fine, it's not you guys' fault, I was stupid...

We were silence for a while until Jimin looked up at me and spoke

Jimin: You drank a lot yesterday...actually WAY more than the last time you had to drink...this Tzuyu thing is messing you up bad huh?

Taehyung: Of course it is...she suddenly leaves me for her terrible ex and doesn't even apologise... I'm really starting to doubt if she actually loved me or was it just a lie...

Jimin's POV:

That video...

He HAS to know, I just HAVE to show it to him...I can't let him go on like this thinking Tzuyu doesn't actually love her when the truth is the exact opposite

Jimin: Shut up Taehyung...stop it with your assumptions...everything you just said was wrong

Taehyung crosses his arms and faced me

Taehyung: And HOW do you know don't know ANYTHING're telling me to stop making assumptions?? What do you know??

I took a deep breath...

Maybe I shouldn't have been that harsh...after all, he IS hurt badly...

Jimin: Look Tae...I'm sorry I said it like that...but that was the truth......I have something to show you...

Tae's expression softened as he looked at me confused and intrigued with what I just said.

I opened my phone and showed him the video I took yesterday. The audio was quite muffled but you can still clearly hear what it says

Taehyung's POV:

Jimin handed me his phone and revealed a video of yesterday at the bar. I looked at it intrigued before I hit the play button. What would it be about? My dumb drunken self??

The video starts and it showed drunken me with a girl...

That girl...


(Tzuyu: Taehyung, I still love you, and please know that I'm doing this because I love you)

What?? Is this real??

(Tzuyu: I love you so much much that it hurts...I won't even leave you if......if this didn't happened... I'm so sorry Tae...but it's for your own good...)

I couldn't believe what I just's real right?? Tell me it's real and that Tzuyu still loves me...

I was sooo shocked of what I just saw as I just stared at Jimin with a blank expression

Jimin: It's real what I just said...she loves you still...and never stopped loving you too

I looked back at the video and played it again, not believing what I just heard...

She loves me...

She still does...

There's hope...

But wait, if she still loves me, then why did she leave me and got back with her EX?? Of all people!!

She also said something about 'doing this' because she loves me...and it's for my own good??

So, she's only dating Mingyu because she's protecting me?? Is that what she means??

Jimin: I'm also not clear about what she said about protecting you...but I think...I think it has something to do with that Mingyu dude...and it's something serious too...

Taehyung: I...I think so too, that also means that my Tzuyu is probably in danger, I mean who knows what Mingyu would do to her??

Jimin continued to look at the floor while he nods slightly

Oh my could I be so stupid...crying in my room thinking Tzuyu cheated on me and not trusting her when she told me she didn't...

It all came back to me now...she loves me...she didn't cheat on me...and...she now may be in danger...while I just spent the whole time in my room crying over some stupid thing that stupid me believed...

I have to help her...

I NEED to...

I stood up from my bed and grabbed my phone as I put on my shoes

Jimin: Where are you going??

Taehyung: *Deep breath* To Tzuyu''s time to make things right again...come on, let's go

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