Chapter 3

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Day of the KMAs

Jungkook's POV:

Today is finally the day of the KMAs!! I am sooooo excited cause I finally get to see my girlfriend. We both haven't seen each other for days now, mostly cause of the busy schedules we both have, so I am reallyyyy excited to see her today!!

Jhope: Alright!! Last rehearsal for tonight's performance! Is everybody ready? Oh, and Taehyung, please PLEASEEE focus today, we can't afford to mess up tonight!!

Taehyung: Yeah, Of course. Sorry...

I've noticed Taehyung being distant in the rehearsals yesterday, I've asked him about it but he says he's just tired. Idk, maybe he's excited for today too? But why?

Hours later

We finished rehearsals and went back to our dorm to get ready. I made sure that my outfit and makeup was perfect, then we head out to the van and started to make our way to the award show.

Jimin: Yo Taehyung, you look nervous! You are sweating profusely man!!

Yeah, I noticed that too, but why??

Taehyung: Just nervous of the award shows, and it is really hot here......

Rapmon: *Smirks* Are you really nervous because of the KMAs?? We've attended it a lot of times before

Taehyung: Yah! Idk, stop bothering me!!

When we've finally arrived, we made our way through the paparazzis and walked the red carpet. Twice was just behind us, so I was stealing glances at them the whole time, hoping to find my Tzuyu. Weirdly, I found Taehyung doing the same thing, maybe he has a crush on one of the members???

When we finally went in, I started my plan to find my Tzuyu.

Taehyung was sitting next to me and he poked his head towards me to see who I was texting

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Taehyung was sitting next to me and he poked his head towards me to see who I was texting

Taehyung: Oh, you're meeting Tzuyu?

Jungkook: Yeah, I've to go now

Taehyung: WAIT! I'll come with you!!

Huh?? That's weird....... I was actually hoping to spend time with her, and just her only...

Jungkook: Why??

Taehyung: Errr... Eum... Cause she's my friend and I haven't see her for a long time now, I just... miss her

Oh, I see... Well, I guess there's no harm with him tagging along

Jungkook: Alright then, let's go now

Taehyung's POV:

Once we sat down, Jungkook couldn't stop looking at his phone and texting someone. I figured it is his girlfriend, Tzuyu but I couldn't resist the temptation of not knowing, so I poked my head to his side to look at his phone.

Clearly I was right......

I know it is wrong for me to ask to tag along with them, but I couldn't bear knowing they are going to be all alone, backstage...

God knows what they could do in there!!!

So I did, I asked to tag along and made up some random reason of why I should. I saw Jungkook hesitated for a second but eventually gave in at the end

I was beyond excited knowing I am going to see Tzuyu, even though Jungkook is gonna be there, but hey, better than nothing right?

Problem is...

Am I ready??

A/N: Hey guys!! Hope you are enjoying this story! English is actually not my first language, so forgive me if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes😅

Also tell me if you think there can be any changes to be made to make the story better😊

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