Chapter 71

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Tzuyu's POV:

Tzuyu: Well, we're here

I looked over and saw Taehyung deep asleep with his mouth open, dripping saliva on his hand. How is it even possible to fall asleep in such a short amount of time??

I connected my phone to the car and started playing "MIC DROP" on full volume while singing along to it myself


Taehyung immediately jumped up from his seat and hit his head on the car ceiling

Taehyung: What the heck??

I leaned back from my seat and clutched my stomach as I laughed hysterically. Taehyung could only rubbed his head painfully

Taehyung: You coulda just woke me up gently you know

Tzuyu: You know me Tae, this is revenge...

Taehyung: For what?

Tzuyu: I don't know...but...revenge is revenge!!

Taehyung: You pabo...

Taehyung chuckles as he got off the car while still rubbing his head

Taehyung: Where are we?? Are we going on the Ferris wheel???

Taehyung points to the Ferris Wheel in the corner and looks at me all excited

Tzuyu: Sorry to break it to you, but no, but we can go afterwards...

Taehyung: Then...where are we going?

I pointed over to the park opposite the Ferris Wheel and I could see Taehyung's face immediately dropped and replaced with confusion

Taehyung: The park?

Tzuyu: Yeeepp

I walked towards the park entrance with Taehyung following behind. Even though I couldn't see his face then, I know that he's still confused as to why I made him go to the park

I walked over to the bench that I'm oh so familiar with and sat down in my usual spot. Taehyung looked at me for a second then sat down next to me himself

Taehyung: You said that this place means a lot to you right? I just thought I'd be a little more exciting than the park

Tzuyu: *Chuckles* Well, it means a lot to me than you can imagine... This Park, this bench right here, holds a lot of my memories from when I was in high school

Taehyung: You mean...when you met...Mingyu

Tzuyu: Uh huh...I found this park when I was 13...I didn't mention before, but my parents used to argue a lot, like A LOT. They'd full on argue and yell at each other over small and stupid things, and it just hurts to see them argue like that. So whenever they'd argue, I'd come here and sit at this park, this bench until my mum would call me and tell me to go home.

Taehyung: That really happened?? Your parents seem to get along with each other well, from what I see now...

Tzuyu: They've changed, they weren't used to be like that, but I guess they learned and changed and well, everything's good now... Besides that, I used to come here a lot when Mingyu and I were "dating". We would have troubles and problems in our relationship, and I would just come here to escape. After Mingyu broke up with me, I spent a whole week here, on this very same bench, and just slept here, not going home. This park became like "my spot" and it became my place to escape. It means a lot to me really and I guess I just wanted to share it with you, the love of my life...

Taehyung scooter closer to me and put his arm around my waist as he poked my nose playfully

Taehyung : Well, I'm glad you did...but, from what you said, this place is full of bad memories from your high school and middle school years, were there any good ones?

I tried to think back to my early teen years and think about everything that has happened in this very park as I slowly shook my head

Tzuyu: No, they're all bad ones I guess...

Taehyung: Well then what do you say we make some good ones? Do you mind sharing "your spot" with me?

Tzuyu: Of course not Taehyung you pabo *Giggles*

Taehyung: Well then let's make this "our spot". I'll help you make some good memories here to replace those bad ones that you had. It could be the spot for OUR memories together

Tzuyu: That sounds like a great idea...

Taehyung: Of course it is, they don't call me genius Taehyung for nothing *Smirks*

Tzuyu: *Clears throat* NO ONE calls you that...

Taehyung: Hey!!! My fans do!!!

Tzuyu: Sureee, Of courseee

Taehyung sighed as he stood up from the bench and crouched in front of me with his back facing me

Tzuyu: What are you doing?

Taehyung: Piggy back riding you to the Ferris Wheel. You promised we could go there and you are keeping that promise

Tzuyu: I've never promised you Tae, I just said we COULD if we have time

Taehyung: I don't care, just get on

Without hesitation, I jumped on Taehyung's back with great force, making him almost lose his balance and fall to the ground

Taehyung: Pabo...

Tzuyu: Now take me to the Ferris Wheel!!

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