Chapter 40

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Taehyung's POV:

I returned home after the recording session with Tzuyu with a smile still hanging on my face

Rapmon: Woah...someone's happy today

Taehyung: Yeah, guess you can say that

Rapmon: So where did you go?

Taehyung: Nowhere...just went to record our new song...

Rapmon: You mean the one with Tzuyu? *Smirks*

Taehyung: Yeah why?

I was trying to stay calm and relaxed as I said that so he wouldn't suspect anything, but my face failed me and started turning a shade of pink

Rapmon: Aww... You're blushing... and you're with Tzuyu, that's why you are so happy today...

Gosh, he caught me...

Is it that obvious??

Of course it is, I freaking blushed as he said Tzuyu's name...

Taehyung: Alright...fine...

A goofy smile crept up on Rapmon's face and he jumped around like a child who just got his candy


Wait... what??

He knows??

How? When?

I'm so confused right now

Taehyung: Wait... WHAT??

Rapmon just looks at me and laughs

Rapmon: Well, for one, it's really not that hard to see that you have a crush on Tzuyu. And secondly, remember the night you were drunk?

The night I was drunk...

Taehyung: At the after party of the KMAs?

Rapmon: literally confessed to me that you love Tzuyu. When I brought you back home, you told me that you actually love her and ranted on about how you want to be with her...

I did that? How embarrassing...

I'm never drinking again

Taehyung: So you pretended you didn't know?

Rapmon: Yeah, I didn't tell anyone too, I didn't want to ruin our friendship, so I kept it a secret

Taehyung: Wow... thanks hyung. But, wait... you aren't mad??

Rapmon: Mad? Why? Cause for stealing Jungkook's girlfriend? No, I'm not... I knew all along that they just aren't meant for each other. He belongs with Sana and you belong with Tzuyu...

He really thinks that??


I'm lucky to have Rapmon as my friend...

Rapmon: So, is she your girlfriend now? Are you guys official yet? Are you guys dating?



He slams his fist on the table and broke the vase on it which smashes into a million piecces

Ugh... Rapmon the God of destruction...

Rapmon: Opps...

Taehyung: Hyung ah...

I quickly grabbed the broom and started sweeping

Rapmon: Sorry, I was just shocked...

Taehyung: *Sigh* You didn't even let me finish... I was about to say I'm planning on asking her tomorrow and finally make things official

I finished sweeping the pieces on the floor and dumped them into the rubbish bin just as Jimin charges into the room

Jimin: Wait... Tae you're confessing?? To whom? Who're you asking to be your girlfriend?? Tell me!!

Jimin jumps up and down like an excited little kid... Gosh, these guys...

Taehyung: It's-

Rapmon: TZUYU!!

Jimin: Wait... really?? Didn't she just break up with Kookie??

I was thinking of something to say, what should I tell him? That I've actually been in love with her forever??

Rapmon: Yeah, but you can't deny that they are MADE for each other. I personally think that Tzuyu belongs with Tae more... And everyone can see that Tae is head over heels in love with Tzuyu, even before she started dating Jungkook...

Jimin: Yeah, you're right... Besides, I actually think Jungkook likes Sana more, so it's actually a good thing they broke up. Anyways...TAE!! YOU'RE GOING TO GET YOUR FIRST EVER GIRLFRIEND!!

Taehyung: You don't even know if she's going to accept yet...

Jimin: Oh, you're kidding right?? Everyone can tell she sees you more than a friend... And did she tell you before that she loves you? Not in a friendly way I mean

Taehyung: Yeah...she has, bu-

Jimin: No buts, she's gonna accept you, I promise you that

Rapmon: Now, we just have to help you prepare, and you're lucky you've get some professionals by you side *Points at him and Jimin*

Taehyung: Where? Why can't I see them? *Laughs*

Jimin: Tsk... You want our help our not?

Rapmon: Ya!! we can just go if we want you know

Taehyung: Alright alright, I admit, I need you pabos help

Rapmon: *Rolls his eyes* Here's the plan...

A/N: OMG!! Chapter 40 already😭 I started this story around the end of last year (I don't rmb the exact date) and I've never thought I'd go this far, I just thought I'd give up halfway, but now here I am on chapter 40 with around 4K readers... You don't know how grateful I am to everyone reading my story and supporting me❤️ (Shoutout to sanajimin2002 , thank you so much💞)

I promise you guys I'd continue writing this story until it ends, hope you guys will keep supporting!!


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