Chapter 56

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Tzuyu's POV:

I'm so confused right now...

What should I do?? Should I stay with Mingyu?? Tell Taehyung?? What should I do?

Honestly...the problem here is I don't know if I'm hurting Taehyung or breaking up with him, am I breaking his heart, or saving his career?

Which one would he want more??

And I don't know...I mean it's not just his career that I'm scared's his life!! Mingyu is a really dangerous who knows what he would do to Tae??

What should I do??

It's now the day after I saw Taehyung at the club... I'm now AGAIN, in my room, sitting on my bed, looking at the ceiling, contemplating about this whole situation

"Knock knock"

Tzuyu: Who is it??

Momo: It's me, Momo...can I come in?

Momo?? Does she know about this??

Tzuyu: Oh...okay, come on in...

The door opened and Momo came in

Momo: feeling better? All the members are worried about you...especially Sana...

Tzuyu: I'm...I'm fine...

Momo: Come on...everyone knows you aren't... Look, I don't know what happened to you, only that Mingyu is involved...but whatever it is...just know that we're always here for you...all of us

Where did that come from?? Wow...

Sana and Momo are the only members who are the closest to me to know about my past, so if anyone can understand me the most, it's them...

Tzuyu: Th-thanks...but I'm fine really...just confused...about.......

My voice trailed off as Momo looked at me, hoping I would continue

I just couldn't tell them...I couldn't tell anyone...

"Ding dong"

Thank GOD, the door bell saved me

I got out my bedroom to see who it was, so did Momo. Sana opened the door, but froze as soon as she saw who it was

As Sana was blocking the doorway, I couldn't see who it was. I tried taking a peek of who it was but Momo stood in front of me right away, once again blocking my view

Tzuyu: *Whisper* Who is it?

Momo just looked at me shocked and tried pushing me back to my room

Momo: *Whisper* No one...just go back

Tzuyu: *Whisper* No...I want to see

Sana finally spoke as I continued to fight Momo from pushing me to my room

Sana: Wha-what are you doing here??

What is who doing here?!

??: I'm...I'm here to see Tzuyu

Wait...that voice...

It's a man's voice...he wants to see me??

Momo pushes me harder as I fought harder to see who it was. Momo finally gave up and fell to the ground as I took a look at who it was


NO!! I can't do this!!

I instantly rushed into my room and locked the door...I'm not ready!! I've not decided yet!! What should I do??

"Knock knock"

Tzuyu: GO AWAY!!

Sana: Tzuyu...It's me...Sana...please open the door

Tzuyu: No...I'm not ready to face him

Taehyung: Tzuyu...please...

It's Taehyung...

Tzuyu: No Tae...I can't...

Taehyung: If you can face me when I'm drunk...then pretend I'm drunk now...please talk to me...

Oh god, he knows about what happened in the club??

I need to face him...I should face him...should I?

Tzuyu: Come...come in...

I went and unlocked the door and it immediately opened

There he front of close to me...I just want to hug him and bury my face in his neck while I cry......but......I can't

Taehyung: Tzuyuuu, baby...

Tzuyu: Come in first...

Taehyung did as he was told and I immediately shut the door... If I had to tell Taehyung anything today...there's absolutely no way that the members could know

Taehyung: I know what happened at the club...

Taehyung showed me a video on his phone which showed me and Taehyung at the club, recording what we said...


I couldn't do anything but just froze of shock...should I tell him?

Taehyung: Tzuyu...there you said something about protecting me and not being able to be with me...does it have anything to do with your......your boyfriend Mingyu?

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