Chapter 47

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Tzuyu's POV:

"Chou Tzuyu!! Chou Tzuyu!! What is the meaning of your new song?"

"CHOU TZUYU!! Are you and Kim Taehyung dating?"

"Tzuyuuu! Look at the camera!!"

I dodged all of their questions and quickly climbed into the van

I few days had passed since me and Tae's new song had been released, and paparazzis are following us EVERYWHERE that it's driving me crazy!!

We are now currently doing promotions for our new song, we did a few performances the past few nights and we are doing another one tonight

Manager: *Laughs* They sure are crazy

Tzuyu: Tell me about it, please just take me to the studio

*            *           *

"Chou Tzuyu!!!"

"Tzuyu!! Are you and Taehyung going to release an album soon?"

"TZUYU!! Are you going to leave Twice?"

Ugh...not again...

I quickly climb out the van and practically ran in the studio while covering my face.

Taehyung: seem out of breath

Tzuyu: ....Paparazzi...

Taehyung: Ah yeah...they're everywhere *Rolls eyes*

Tzuyu: I know right...

We then went and started rehearsing for tonight's performance then went to the venue where we were going to perform. We got our make up done, then did our last minute rehearsals

We were both on the stage facing the empty crowd

Taehyung: Let's begin our last rehearsal for the day shall we?

Tae looks at me up and down and smiles

Tzuyu: Wh...what? *Smiles shyly*

Taehyung: Just that you look really good...

Manager: Cut it out lovebirds!! If you don't hurry, fans are gonna come in!!

Tzuyu: Ah...yes...

The music starts playing and we both start to dance along.

Halfway through, there's a scene where Taehyung grabs my hand, pulls me to him , leans his head closer to mine and backs away quickly

Only this time, he sneaked a quick peck on my lips before backing away. I was frozen at the spot and took a second before I could snap back to what was happening. We finished the rest of the dance and I saw Taehyung smirking at me at the end. I went up to him and jokingly smacked his arm as I whispered in his ear

Tzuyu: *Whisper* Be careful not to do that during the actual performance

Taehyung: *Chuckles* I'll try

Manager: Alright!! That's a wrap. Show starts in an hour so get ready guys... And Taehyung, learn to control your hormones *Laughs*

*            *           *

A few hours later, we finally finished our performance and were hanging out backstage

Taehyung: Aish...I'm so tired...

Tzuyu: Me too *Yawns*

Taehyung: I'm gonna go back to my dressing room to change. It has been a long day

Tzuyu: Of course

Taehyung left the room while I still sat there just looking at the ceiling, when suddenly someone unfamiliar with a black mask and black sunglasses comes in.

Tzuyu: Huh? Who're you? Did my manager send you in?

The man didn't say anything but slowly approached me. I quickly jumped off the couch. What is this man doing here?

The man slowly removed his glasses while still slowly approaching me until I was backed up to a wall

How stupid could I be *Facepalms*

I stared at his eyes intently. Something about them look somewhat......familiar??

Tzuyu: Wh-who are you??

I attempted to run away but he had my hands pinned against the wall.

Tzuyu: HEL-

I attempted to scream but he pressed his hand against my mouth, shutting me up. I was beginning to get hella scared

He then slowly took off his mask revealing his whole face, he looked to be around 20 years old, and something......something about him just looks familiar...although I can't tell what

Man: Judging from your expression, you don't recognise me do you?

The man had a deep husky voice, a voice as deep as Taehyung's... Who is he??

I was getting really scared. Something told me that guy is not good news. I knew I had to escape and get the hell away from him.

I lifted my knee and attempted to hit him in where the sun doesn't shine, but failed miserably as he saw it coming and dodged it

Man: Now that's no way to greet your ex boyfriend is it? *Smirks*


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