Chapter 44

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Tzuyu's POV:

The last month passed by in a blur

Me and Taehyung are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and things cannot be better.

Taehyung was super romantic and treated me to fancy dates. I really couldn't ask for a more better boyfriend.

As much as we would like to announce our relationship to the public, we just can't... It's a big risk to our career that we just can't take, and especially with our song coming out in a few days.

As for the "unknown" that keeps on texting me, he didn't respond to the text I sent I guess everything's fine now??


"Bzz Bzz"

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my phone to find a text from my manager

Oh right!! It's dropping tomorrow!! I quickly texted back a thanks and immediately called Taehyung, who picked up after a few rings

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Oh right!! It's dropping tomorrow!! I quickly texted back a thanks and immediately called Taehyung, who picked up after a few rings

Taehyung: Hello?

That deep, raspy morning's so freaking sexy...

Tzuyu: G-good morning...did you just wake up?

Taehyung: Yeah...what time is it now?

Tzuyu: 10:00am

Taehyung: Wait, already?? Wow...seems like I overslept, are there any plans for today?

Tzuyu: No, I just thought I'd call you to remind you that our single is finally dropping TOMORROW!!

Taehyung: Wait...that's tomorrow?? I've been so busy with work that I forgot!!

Tzuyu: Yeah, me too, it's not until my manager texted me this morning to remind me that I remembered... Anyways, the MV is also gonna drop tomorrow too, have you seen it?

Taehyung: Nah, I didn't have time to, so I'm looking forward to see the MV tomorrow

Tzuyu: Yeah, me too...hey...why don't I go to your dorm tomorrow and we can watch it together?

Taehyung: Of course!!

We talked for a bit more then we spent the rest of the day working on our own work

So let's fast forward a bit...

Later that day

Sana's POV:

We are now again at the dance studio working on the dance for our upcoming song which is going to drop maybe next month?

Momo: Alright!! Let's take a break!! I'm starving!!

I took a sip of water from my bottle when Jungkook texted me

I took a sip of water from my bottle when Jungkook texted me

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Me and Jungkook have been hanging out lately. I actually don't know what we are yet, we are definitely not just friends, but he hasn't tried anything on me or ask me to become his girlfriend, so everything is actually kinda complicated

 I actually don't know what we are yet, we are definitely not just friends, but he hasn't tried anything on me or ask me to become his girlfriend, so everything is actually kinda complicated

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I grabbed my stuff and was planning to sneak out when Tzuyu approached me

Tzuyu: Where are you going?

Uh oh...


Tzuyu: Come on, tell me the truth, you're going to find Jungkook aren't you?

Sana: Ye...yeah, you aren't mad?

Tzuyu looks at me and just laughs

Tzuyu: I told you!! I already gave you guys permission, and besides, I've moved on...why would I be mad?

Sana: Lemme guess Taehyung?

Tzuyu and Taehyung have been hanging out a lot nowadays, I don't know if they're official yet, but all I know is that Tzuyu looks happy with him...and I'm happy for her...

Tzuyu: *Blushes* Maybe...

Sana: *Laughs* Well, I have to go now, I just need to figure out how...

Tzuyu: Don't worry, I'll cover for you

Sana: Really? thanks!!

I gave her a quick hug then ran out the doors of the studio. I really am lucky to have such a good friend...

I went back to the dorm to and changed into another outfit, then went to the coffee shop which Jungkook was already at

He was standing outside wearing a black mask, black sunglasses and a black cap. He was covered from head to toe in black so that no paparazzi could spot him.

How could someone still look so handsome while looking like that??

Jungkook: Hey my little squirrel!!

Sana: Hey my Jungkookie...shouldn't we go inside and get a table?

Jungkook: Oh, no need. I'm taking you somewhere else. I just came here to get some food

He holds up a brown paper bag of take away and uses his other hand to hold mine as he led me to his car

Jungkook: Let's go

And before I know it, I was being dragged away in his car to who knows where...

A/N: Hey guys!! This chapter and the next one won't be about Taetzu, but more about Sakook, but don't worry, this story mainly focuses on Taetzu, and there will be more scenes with them in the future.

Love you all😍❤️

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now