Chapter 75

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Taehyung's POV:

Taehyung: Do me the honours and make that happen by letting me marry the most beautiful, most loving and most caring girl in the world. Chou Tzuyu, will you marry me?

Tears started falling from her eyes. She covered her hand over her mouth in shock as she nodded fiercely

Tzuyu: YES! I will Tae

I immediately stood up and kissed her on the lips. I took the ring out of the box and placed it on her finger

Taehyung: Thank you Tzu, for making me the happiest man alive

Tzuyu: No, thank you Tae

I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up as I spun her around a few times and kissed her again. I placed her down on the floor and she wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss, she pulled back after a while and hugged me tightly

Tzuyu: If anyone would've said you were going to propose to me tonight, I wouldn't have believed them

Taehyung: And why is that?

Tzuyu: Aren't I your first girlfriend? And we've just been dating for a while

Taehyung: As I said Tzu, true love has no limits. I already know you are my only one. I can already see my whole future in your eyes, and what the Mingus incident has taught me is that I can't live without you, so why wait? Why wait when I can take a risk and just ask you right now?

Tzuyu: And it was a risk worth taking cause you succeeded... What you just said actually matched my thoughts, I feel the same way Tae. Yes we're still young but I know that life won't ever be the same without you in it. You're my happiness, my joy, my shoulder to lean on, my everything...of course I'll marry you Kim Taehyung

Taehyung: You're right...

Tzuyu lifted her hand up and took a look at the ring

Tzuyu: This was what you meant right? Announcing is to the public in a special way?

Taehyung: Yep, instead of telling them we are dating, we can now tell them we are engaged

Tzuyu smiled and hugged me again

Tzuyu: Thank you Taehyung

Taehyung: Thank you Tzuyu

A week passed after my proposal to Tzuyu. We went back to Korea and the members congratulated us on and on

Jihyo: Congratulations Tzuyu!


Dahyun: Congrats guys

Jin: Congrats Tae!

Jungkook: I told you so...

Sana: Yeah, I mean there's no way Tzuyu would say no. Anyways, congrats!!! When will you propose to me Kookie?

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