Chapter 26

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Taehyung's POV:

I followed the address that Jeongyeon gave me and arrived at a building right in the corner of the street. I went inside and pressed the button to their floor

Am I ready?


The elevator door opened, I nervously went towards the door and rang the doorbell

I've never been so nervous in my WHOLE life...

A voice rang from the dorm

Tzuyu: Jihyo? Is that you? I'm coming!!

The door opened and there she was...

Facing me, Tzuyu, in her pyjamas, with absolutely no makeup on her face and with messy curly hair...

Why is it that even though she looks like she just rolled out of bed she still looks so beautiful??

Tzuyu: TAEHYUNG? Wh...what are you doing here? Gosh! I thought it was Jihyo!! I look like such a mess now, wait let me go tidy myself and put on some makeup...

Just as she was about to go back inside, I grabbed ahold of her arm, I leaned in and whispered in her ear:

Taehyung: No need, you actually look VERY beautiful the way you are now. I actually prefer your naked face more cause I'd say it's more of your natural beauty...I mean, not that you weren't beautiful before, but wow...

I backed away and she turned back to me, face as red as a tomato, did I make her flustered?

Tzuyu: Th...thanks

Aww, I'm making her nervous...


Back to what I'm here for

Taehyung: Hey... do you mind if I come in?

Tzuyu: Oh!! No, of course not, come on in...

We went inside their dorm, and there was no one there except for me and Tzu, I guess the other members are all at the studio rehearsing

Tzuyu led me to her room so we can talk

Tzuyu: So... Tae, why are you here?

Under the bright light, I can clearly see her swollen eyes and red puffy cheeks, it's clear that she has been crying

I swear to God if Jungkook has anything to do with this...

Taehyung: Tzu, be honest, how are you feeling right now?

I can see Tzuyu was shocked for a second, probably realising that I know something is up

Tzuyu: Wh...what do you mean? I...I'm fine of course

Her voice is shaking, and her face turned red, she is clearly trying to hold back her tears right now

I can't help it anymore, I leaned in and hugged her tightly, whispering in her ear

Taehyung: I know what's wrong Tzu, cry, let your emotions out... I'm here, always

Tzuyu started to cry, she couldn't hold back her tears and cried in my arms, she buried her head in my chest and cried while I was hugging her the whole time

Tzuyu: Jungkook ch...cheated on me... Wi...with Sana...

My heart clenched so much after hearing that, I've already suspected that Jungkook has something to do with this, but him cheating on Tzuyu? With Sana?? Anger built up inside me, it feels like my heart is on fire while breaking at the same time, seeing Tzuyu so broken and powerless in front of me breaks my heart SOOOO much...

Tzuyu: Why does this keep happening to me?? Why can't I just be lucky like the other members??

Huh? What does that mean??

I didn't urge Tzuyu into saying anything more, but curiosity is killing me... what does she mean by that?

I kept on embracing Tzuyu in my arms and soothing her back until she calmed down a bit, she pulled away and looked me in the eyes

Tzuyu: Tae, can I trust you?

Taehyung: 100% Tzu

Tzuyu: I think it's time I tell you my past

A/N: Hey guys!! I just wanna tell you I just changed the name from "Keeping the promise" to "My heart lies with you". I'm sorry if it caused any confusion to you guys but I just think this name is better and fits more into the story. Let me know what you guys think and if you like the new name of the story.

Thank you again for reading my story. I'm currently really improving my work and editing the old ones too. There will be more intense and romantic scenes in the future, so do stick around for that😉

Love you guyssss😘😘

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now