Chapter 59

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Taehyung's POV: I've upset Tzuyu...

I mean I kind of understand why she didn't forgive him, given what he did to her in the past...but he's now in front of us apologising, and he even said he's happy for us, so why make this even more complicated?

Mingyu: I'm sorry I messed things up with you two...

Taehyung: No, it's okay...I mean it's not your fault...

Mingyu: Hey, how about I help you two out? I know a way to make Tzuyu forgive you...

Taehyung: Really?? What is it??

I have to be honest, I'm kind of jealous that he knows and I don't...but...anything to let Tzuyu forgive me again...

Mingyu: I can't tell you now, we need to form a plan, also I have to go about we meet up later and I'll tell you?

Taehyung: Can't you just tell me really quick now?

Mingyu: I can't, we need a plan and it's really complicated, besides I really have to go now...

Taehyung: Oh...okay

Mingyu grabbed a paper and a pen from Tzuyu's desk and wrote an address on top as he handed the paper to me

Mingyu: This is the address, meet me there at 11:00 tonight

Taehyung: 11:00? Isn't that a bit late?

Mingyu: Nah, it fine, besides, I'm not free till then anyways...

Taehyung: O-okay...

Mingyu waved me a goodbye then left the room. I took a look at the paper he gave me and memorised the address as I threw it into the little bin in Tzuyu's room

I went to the living room to find everyone gone, only Momo sitting in the corner scrolling on her phone

Taehyung: Hey...where's everyone?

Momo looked up from her phone and looked at me

Momo: Sana and Tzuyu went out, and your friend said he needs to go back first

Great Jimin...just great...

Taehyung: Oh...okay...

I was about to leave when Momo yelled out to me

Momo: You want a ride back?

It would be know...since Jimin bailed out on me

Taehyung: Sure, thanks

* * *

Momo: So...why did Tzuyu ran out of her room just now?

We are now in Momo's car, driving towards my dorm

Taehyung: I kind of made her angry by telling her to forgive Mingyu...

Momo: Wait...MINGYU apologised?? That's not like him...I mean, I don't know a lot about him, just that he's a horrible person...but why would he just suddenly come to our dorm and apologise?

Yeah...she has a point...but Mingyu was telling the truth right?

Taehyung: Well, he did and Tzuyu didn't want to forgive him, I then kinda told her to forgive him and now she's mad... I actually feel kinda bad now that I've thought about it, why would she forgive him after what he did to him? I shouldn't tell her to...even if I believe Mingyu...

Momo: Yeah, you have a point...just make things right with her, I don't like you two fighting *Chuckles*

Taehyung: Me too...Mingyu said he'll help me make things up with her if I meet him tonight

Momo suddenly stopped the car which resulted in me falling out of my seat

Taehyung: What the heck??

I rubbed my head as Momo looked at me with terrified eyes

Momo: Don't tell me you're actually meeting with him...and at night too...

Taehyung: I believe him...I mean, he even came and apologised, he seemed sincere and really wants us to be together, so why not go and listen him out

Momo started the car back again

Momo: Don't go...I'm warning you...from what they told me...he's dangerous

Taehyung: *Chuckles* I told you, he's changed

Momo didn't say anything afterwards and kept her eyes on the road. I decided that it would be best to just keep silent

* * *

The car pulled up outside my dorm and I started to climb out when Momo grabbed my arm

Momo: You're really going?

Taehyung: You mean tonight? Yes, I believe him...

Momo: When?

Taehyung: 11:00...

Momo: Please don't go alone

Momo looked at me with fearful eyes, as if she's scared FOR me... Momo's the second member I'm the closest with in Twice, we've always been friends, just not as close as me and Tzuyu

Taehyung: Maybe...I'll see

Momo: Be safe...

Taehyung: *Chuckles* I'm gonna be safe Momo, promise

Momo didn't laugh back, she just waved a simple goodbye and drove off

Gosh what is she so worried of? How scary can that Mingyu be? What's the worst that could go wrong?

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