Chapter 74

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Tzuyu's POV:

Taehyung: You hungry?

Tzuyu: Yeah, I didn't have anything before

Taehyung: Perfect cause I'm taking you for fact, we're here already

Taehyung pointed out the window to a really fancy diner

Tzuyu: Wait...McDonalds?

I pointed to the fast food shop right next to the diner and Taehyung smirked

Taehyung: If you want it to be

Tzuyu: Nah, no thanks, I'll take the fancy diner

I chuckled as I helped myself off the car. Taehyung then took my hand and led me inside the diner

Waiter: Good evening sir, name?

Taehyung: Taehyung, Kim Taehyung

Waiter: Ah of course, how could I not know...this way please

The waiter then led us to the balcony where there is a romantic feast under the shining stars facing the beautiful city

Waiter: Enjoy

The waiter left and it was just me and Tae

Taehyung: So, you like it?

Tzuyu: No...

Taehyung: What...really?

Tzuyu: Yes...I love it

Taehyung: Aish...pabo gave me a heart attack

Taehyung clutched his heart in pain as I just laughed at him. Taehyung then came over and held out my chair for me

Taehyung: I'm a gentleman, aren't I?

Tzuyu: Yupp, of course...and please note the sarcasm

Taehyung rolled his eyes and went to his seat as well

Taehyung: There's a whole feast in front of us already so let's enjoy

Tzuyu: Don't need to think about it Twice *Laughs*

Taehyung: Yeah, you better think about it Twice *Chuckles*

(A/N: Get it?😂 )

We were mostly silent during the whole time we had our dinner. I could once again tell that Tae had something on his mind, but I just can't trace what...

After we've finished we went back to the car and I quickly hopped in the drivers seat

Taehyung: *Chuckles* You don't even know where we're going

Tzuyu: Home?

Taehyung: Nope

Taehyung came over and lifted me off the seat as he climbed in himself

Tzuyu: Hey!! No fair!!!

Taehyung: Face it baby *Wink*

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