Chapter 51

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Sana's POV:

Mingyu: Welp, I have to go now, see you two

Mingyu then stood up and and gave Tzuyu a wink before he left the room.

Something REALLY fishy is going on here...just a few days ago Tzuyu was hanging out with Taehyung having the time of her life...and now she looks down as ever...and has gotten back with her ex? Mingyu? Everything doesn't add up here...

I closed the door and approached Tzuyu, she immediately looked away, clearly avoiding me...what happened? She looked like she cried a lot the past few days as her eyes were swollen and red...

Sana: to me

Tzuyu: There's nothing to talk about...

She was still looking at the floor, avoiding my gaze

Sana: Tzuyu, look at me

She hesitated at first but then slowly looked from the door to my eyes......Tears in her eyes...

Tzuyu: Sana...

Her voice cracked as she said my name and she started crying, I immediately hugged her as she continued to cry in my arms...

This is just like the time when I first met Tzuyu...she was broken...really broken, and all because of Mingyu...

Now looking at her is like seeing her younger broken self...sure enough she wouldn't go back to him...something must've happened...

I didn't ask Tzuyu anything though, I just continued hugging her while she cried. I knew she wouldn't tell me what really happened so I didn't question her any further. I want her to tell me when she's really ready...

She eventually stopped crying and looked me in the eyes

Tzuyu:'ll believe me no matter what right?

Sana: Of course Tzuyu, why wouldn't I?

Tzuyu didn't answer me but just slightly nodded her head and looked at the floor once again

I took a deep breath and stood up

Sana: Well, I'll give you some space me if you need anything...I'll be at the studio

Tzuyu nodded her once again but didn't look at me. I took one last look at her and left her room... Gosh...everything is happening once again... Only this time, I just don't know how and why...

Tzuyu, what happened?

Taehyung's POV:

"Knock knock"

Who is it?! Can't I just have some time to myself without everyone disturbing it?

Taehyung: Ugh!! Come in!!

The door opened and Jimin and Jungkook appeared

Jungkook: Hey Tae...

Jimin: Hey, you feeling better?

No, I'm not... I feel like I'm slowly dying on the inside... My heart feels like it's ripping itself apart more ever single passing minute and I might die of dispair if I stay in this room one more second...

Taehyung: *Deep breath* I guess...

Jungkook: Jimin told me what happened if you don't mind...and I'm really sorry...I really am...

Now Jungkook knows??

Taehyung: It's fine...

Jimin came towards the bed and plopped down besides me

Jimin: Come on Tae...we all know you aren't 'fine', that's why we are going out whether you like it or not

Taehyung: WHAT? No way!! I'm just gonna stay in my bed until I die

Jungkook: Come on Tae!! Don't be like this!! You've already been locked in this room for days now!! Just come out with us and have some fun

Jimin: Yeah, Jungkook's right! You need to get out of your room!! We're going to a club now and you're coming with us...who knows? Maybe it'll help?

They have a point...and yeah...maybe it'll help...

Taehyung: Fine...I'm in

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