Chapter 57

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Taehyung's POV:

Tzuyu didn't say anything but just looked at me. It was like she wanted to say something but also didn't at the same time

Taehyung: Don't worry about me Tzutzu, I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself...please tell me? Pretty please??

I used my best aegyo and pouted cutely at her, knowing she'd fall for it. Tzuyu looked at me and chuckled a little bit, but then it quickly faded away

Tzuyu: I don't know Tae...

Tzuyu shifted her eyes to the floor as she always does when she's confused. I turned her attention back to me and leaned my face close towards her and whispered

Taehyung: Tzuyu...whatever it is...there's nothing worse than losing the LOVE of my go ahead, tell me, nothing will hurt me cause nothing is worth losing you my Tzutzu

Tears started forming in Tzuyu's eyes. Tzuyu's a strong girl and doesn't cry often, but lately whenever I see her, she's crying, and that breaks my heart into a MILLION pieces

I used my thumb to wipe away her tears and hugged her. Tzuyu then pulled away after a while and looked at me in the eyes

Tzuyu: As you know...Mingyu knows about our relationship...and he threatened that if I didn't date him, or even told anyone about this, he would destroy your career...and the boys' too. I know how important your career is to you guys...especially you Tae...and I just couldn't ruin it for you guys.

I was about to say something, but she covered my mouth

Tzuyu: Let me's not you guys' career that I'm most afraid of...your life also depends on it Tae... Mingyu is a very dangerous man, he used to be, or still is, involved with a lot of dangerous people in South Korea...he has a lot of power and can easily get away with anything......I can't risk you getting hurt Tae, I just can't...

So that's why she kept away from me...cause she was afraid that Mingyu will hurt me... She freaking risked herself to save me...she risked being with her pathetic and disgusting ex just to save me and my career...

Taehyung: Tzuyu...I'm so glad you told me...I really am...and don't worry, I can take care of myself, I won't let Mingyu hurt me so you don't have to worry about me

I flashed her a smile as she gave a sigh of relief, like finally getting that off her chest after a long time...I'm really glad she told me

Taehyung: Only...there's one thing...

Tzuyu: Wh-what?

Taehyung: Us, I need you Tzuyu...especially now learning that you still love me as much as I love you...

Tzuyu: Who said I still loved you?

Tzuyu looked at me so serious in the eyes as she said that, and I could feel my heart stopped for a few seconds

Taehyung: Y-you don't?? Bu-but last time at the club I thought you said......

My voice trailed off as Tzuyu suddenly flashed me a huge smile and wrapped her arms around me. I was so confused as to what was happening that I just sat there in daze

Tzuyu: Kim Taehyung, don't tell me you don't think I still love you

She placed a soft peck on my lips, but I grabbed her head and smashed my lips to hers, not being able to resist the temptation. She  immediately responded and kissed me back.

Feeling her lips on mine once again felt so good...I missed her so SO much, and I think she felt that way too

We kissed for a while until Tzuyu started to slowly back away

Tzuyu: Tae...what will happen to us now?

Good question...a question I also wanted an answer to...what COULD we do now?

Taehyung: I want you to be mine once again Tzu...I missed you so freaking much that I cried for days...I'm not letting you go again...

Tzuyu: But Mingyu...

Taehyung: F*ck're mine and no one can tell me what to do

Mingyu: Oh, is that so?

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now