Chapter 42

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Taehyung's POV:

Tzuyu looks at me in confusion, probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about

The plan is about to go down...

Taehyung: Remeber when you said you wanted to go up there sometime? *Points at tower* Well now is the time...

Tzuyu: What? You're taking me up there? Now?

Taehyung: Yupp, let's go

I grabbed Tzuyu's hand and dragged her along to the entrance of the tower. The place is empty because our manager made sure that no one is here while we shoot our MV, so we have plenty of time

And no fans or paparazzis to ruin my plan...

We went into the elevator and I pressed the top floor, the lift starts to go up and Tzuyu just looks at me, both shock and excitement on her face


The elevators door opens and we both went in. We are now on the top of the tower, just the two of us...

Tzuyu immediately runs to the windowsill and looks down at the view of Korea

Tzuyu: Wow!! The view here really is breathtaking!!

Taehyung: It sure is...

I walked over to her and hugged her from the back

Taehyung: You seriously go so well with the view, you are so breathtaking as well

Tzuyu: Chessy much? *Laughs*

Taehyung: Yah!! You like it!!

We continued to stay there just looking at the view of Korea in front of us...

I put my hand on my pocket, making sure the box is still there. I put my hand in and grabbed the box, but put it back afterwards

Not yet...

Taehyung: Hey, you wanna go somewhere even more amazing?

Tzuyu: Where?

Taehyung: You'll see...

We took the elevator down and I led her to where the love locks are while her eyes are kept closed.

Tzuyu: Can I open my eyes yet?

Taehyung: Nope not yet, wait a sec

I reached my hand into my other pocket and grabbed out two heart shaped locks that I've prepared before and handed one over to her...

Tzuyu: What's that?

Taehyung: Open your eyes now Tzu...

Tzuyu opens her eyes and stared at the lock in her hand while her lips slowly curves into a smile

Tzuyu: Tae...what's this?

Taehyung: It's our love lock... *Hands over a pen* Here write whatever you want

Tzuyu takes the pen and starts to write on the lock while I've already finished mine

I took out a box from my pocket and opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace with the initials TT on it

I sneakily went up behind her back while she continues to write and put the necklace on her

Tzuyu: Tae, what's this?

Tzuyu smiles at me while she looks at the necklace I just put one her

Taehyung: You like it? It has the words TT in it, as in Taehyung and Tzuyu

Tzuyu: I love it Tae...

It's time...

I slowly took her hand and placed a kiss on it while I kneeled down

Taehyung: Chou Tzuyu...Ever since the first time I met you, I knew I needed you in my life...You are the light to my darkest of days, the warmth to my coldest of times and my hope to everything. I can't express how hurt I felt when you started dating my best friend, how depressed, how broken, how jealous I kept me made me feel like there's hope in some way, and made me hold on... Seeing you so hurt when Jungkook cheated on you just made me realise how much you meant to me and how much I love you... Now that I finally have you, I want to finally claim you as mine. Chou Tzuyu...will you be my girlfriend?

My Heart Lies with You (TaeTzu fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now