Chapter 60

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Tzuyu's POV:

Sana and I were in a cafe having coffee as I tried to process on what had just happened

Did Mingyu really forgive us?? It's really NOT like him to do that...he's usually very stubborn and will stop at nothing to get what he wants...did he finally realise that I'm not worth the fight??

Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my pocket and found Momo calling me.

Sana: Who's it?

Tzuyu: It's, I've put it on speaker mode

Momo: Tzuyu!!! Are you with Sana right now?

Sana: I'm here

Momo: Great...I've something to tell you guys...

Tzuyu: Spill it out then

Momo: I just drove Taehyung back to his dorm an-

Tzuyu: Wait...why did you drive him back? Nothing happened between you two right?

Momo: Ugh stop with you jealous ass Tzuyu and listen me out!!

I just rolled my eyes and Sana just laughed

Momo: Anyways, Taehyung said he's gonna go meet Mingyu tonight...alone probably...

Sana's laughter quickly faded away as I sat up straighter in my chair

Tzuyu: Why is he meeting him?

Momo: He said that Mingyu is gonna help him make up with you...he said Mingyu is gonna help you two get back together...

Tzuyu: What?? I'm not even that mad at him!!

Sana: And Taehyung really believed it?

Momo: Apparently...he says he meeting him at 11:00 tonight but didn't mention where...just thought I'd let you guys know...since we all know how dangerous Mingyu is...

I took a look at my watch and the time was 10:30, me and Sana must've been in the cafe for a long time...

Tzuyu: Thanks Momo...I'll figure things out...hopefully...

Momo: Call me if anything goes wrong, I wouldn't want my few best friends to get in trouble

Momo ended the call as I looked at Sana terrified...I have a bad feeling about this

Sana: Something's fishy here...

Tzuyu: I know...and Tae might be in danger...

Sana: We should go to his dorm and warm him not to go, if anyone can convince him, it's you...

I grabbed my stuff in a hurry and waved goodbye to Sana

Tzuyu: Need to go now, bye

I then quickly ran out the door as I heard Sana called my name

Sana: TZUYU!! Wait!! I'm going too...ugh, she's gone already...might as well walk home by myself...

I hopped in the car and drove to their dorm as quick as I can, I took a quick look at my watch as I was driving and found that it was already 11:34

Tzuyu: Sh*t

I sped up the car, almost hitting another one as the driver yelled at me


I opened my window and gave my middle finger as I continued to drive on. I no longer cared about Taetae is in could I care about anything else...

* * *

"Pang pang"


I swear, I've never been this angry or scared before that it scares me...

Suga opened the door and looked at me weirdly

Suga: Woah Tzuyu chill...

Tzuyu: Where's Taehyung??

Suga: You just missed him, he just went out


Suga: No need to yell...


Suga: No, he didn't, just said he's meeting up with someone

I immediately fell down to the floor, not knowing what to do...Tae can't be in trouble...he just can't

Suga looked at me weirdly as he helped me up

Suga: I don't know what's up with you but you seem like you're in a panic, just try to be calm, or else there's no way you can think straight

He's right...I took a few deep and and out...

Wait...he stopped by my dorm earlier right? Maybe the other Twice members knows something?

Tzuyu: I have to go, thanks Yoongi

I then dashed off as Suga waved me a goodbye while still looking at me weird. I quickly climbed in my car and drove home, full speed, I no longer cared about anything now, but to save my Taetae...

* * *

Turns out no one knows anything...

I got back home and asked every member if they know anything about where Tae went and no one knew...

I locked myself in my room as I proceeded crying...Tae might be in danger now and I'm just in my room bawling my eyes out, not being able to do anything to help him...I feel so useless...

While I was crying, something in the corner of my eyes caught my attention...

There's a piece of paper with an address on it in my little bin near my bed...that's never been there before, what's that??


Tae and Mingyu were still in my room when me and Sana left for coffee right? That may be the address Mingyu told Tae to go...and knowing Tae, he wouldn't need it and will just throw it in the bin...

I grabbed the note out of the bin and tucked it in my pocket as I ran to my car. I grabbed my phone and began to dial a number

I'm coming Tae...just you wait...

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